Chapter 12

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The crisis vanished in the air just like that.
Although Mrs. Mu didn't tell the kids that Mu Yixi was an illegitimate son, her performance convinced Mu Yiqi. To Mu Yiqi, he was just worried that Mrs. Mu might be hurt, thus the intense reaction. He didn't dislike Mu Yixi. Even more, he liked him. Since Mrs. Mu genuinely accepted Mu Yixi and his family didn't quarrel because of his existence, then Mu Yixi wasn't an illegitimate son. The little Mu Yiqi didn't care then. In affluent families, kids like Mu Yiqi were able to accept lots of things easily. He didn't have a lot of understanding about illegitimate sons, so he didn't make any connections. He only regarded Mrs. Mu as a priority.
Mu Yiqi was also comforted by Mu Yixi trying to protect Mrs. Mu. After that, Mu Yiqi even went to apologize to Mu Yixi.
"It's my fault for insulting you before getting a clear understanding of the situation." The little boy pursed his lips and said this, glancing at his weak and miserable little big brother nervously. He was really scared that he wouldn't forgive him. Mrs. Mu said that Mu Yixi was his only big brother in this life. It was the truth. Mrs. Mu only gave birth to him and Mu Yixuan. Mu Yiqi's father, Mu Jiurong, was the head of the family. He had two little brothers. His second brother, Mu Jiuan, also had one son and one daughter. The son was five years old and the daughter was four years old. They were both younger than Mu Yiqi. The third brother, Mu Jiuqing, still wasn't married. He only had a five years old adopted son. He hid him from the public. Now that Mu Yixi came to the Mu Family, he was everyone's big brother despite being younger by a generation. Mu Yiqi was quite worried that he hurt his big brother's feelings and he won't play with him anymore.
Mu Yixi responded by extending his arms and hugging Mu Yiqi. He said generously, "It's okay." He didn't hold a grudge at all.

Mu Yiqi thought that this new big brother was awesome. He wasn't stingy at all. The two brothers happily played with each other again.
Mu Family had the habit of taking the whole family abroad for vacation while the kids were on holidays. This year was no exception. Although there was an extra family member now, Mu Yixi naturally went along.
They went to France this year.
Mu Yixi was rather excited.
In his past life during this age, Hu Qin had been raising him. Every day, he either studied or was brainwashed. He never got to go out and play around like a normal kid. After he entered the Mu Family, although he went on vacations with Mrs. Mu and the others, he had lots of thoughts inside, so he wasn't interested in playing or enjoying himself at all. He sometimes reluctantly played with the rest, but he was unable to experience the worry-free happiness of his childhood.
It was different now. Mrs. Mu protected him. Even more, people weren't on guard when talking to him because he was young. Mu Yixi also had a lot of hidden trumps. With someone to depend on, he wasn't as dispirited and depressed as he was in his past life. He became much more relaxed. Sometimes, he pretended to be a child and could even temporarily forget that he was actually an adult. He lived carefree days.
Naturally, he was in a better mood as he went on vacation with Mrs. Mu and the others.
France led Mu Yixi to think of someone. When he thought of how he could see the weak and young him, Mu Yixi was delighted.
But before going to France, Mu Yixi needed to pass an obstacle first. Mrs. Mu planned on taking him to the Mu Family's residence to meet his grandparents.
Their grandfather, Mu Jingwei, was already sixty-one years old. After his sixtieth birthday, he officially retired and handed the Mu Company to his oldest son, Mu Jiurong, and his second son, Mu Jiuan. Right now, Mu Jiurong had majority of the control over the company while Mu Jiuan assisted him. Mu Jingwei brought his family to Mu Family's residence and enjoyed his later years there.
Mu Jingwei was known during this time. Back then, he was an influential and essential figure. Even though he retired, he still held a lot of influence over many people. He was a very peculiar man. He was different from people his generation that say that they were going to retire, but in reality, criticized their grandsons' every move. He actually retired and stopped managing the company. He brazenly left the generations of hardwork to his sons to handle. The trust funds he set up was enough to maintain the Mu Family's offsprings' lives even if the Mu Company collapsed. But if they wanted more, they needed to earn it themselves. In his past life, Mu Jiurong and Mu Jiuan fought for the ability to have a say in the company. In the end, Mu Yixi beat them all up. As the head, Mu Jingwei stayed silent and just watched it, however.
Up until death, Mu Yixi didn't understand his grandfather's thoughts. When he was scheming to steal the Mu Company, he spent half his efforts guarding against him. After he achieved his goal, he realized that it was unnecessary. It felt like he was punching cotton.
Because he couldn't see through Mu Jingwei, Mu Yixi was quite apprehensive of him.
Now that he was reborn, Mu Yixi had confidence that he could deceive Mu Jiurong. However, he was forced to give it his all when facing Mu Jingwei.
The two siblings, Mu Yiqi and Mu Yixuan, also tagged along. The nanny, Xu Qingli, didn't come along because she had other matters to attend to. They arrived at the residence along with Mrs. Mu during the afternoon.

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