Chapter 95

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The son and grandson in this story are Chen Fu. His original name was actually Feng Jinbei. After being picked up by his grandfather, he changed his surname from his mother's surname to Chen, and his single name was a single compound. It was the only family left who hoped that he would recover soon, both physically and psychologically.

After Chen Fu's disability, his personality changed drastically, and he has been gloomy. He didn't know much about storytelling, he was a little bit stubborn when he spoke to Feng Weiming, and he couldn't say anything further in Feng Weiming's unmoved eyes.

Feng Weiming said: "The Mu family's ancestors' motto is to stay a line in everything." Regardless of the true character of the Mu family, the education they have received since childhood is that there is no unshakable hatred, and there must be a line in everything . In order to achieve this goal, both domestic and foreign Mushi have specialized supervisory departments responsible for the aftermath. Mu's business has never been for the purpose of smashing out competitors. If the bankruptcy of Chen Fu's father's company was directly caused by Mu's family, as long as he raised it, Mu's family would definitely help. Even if they couldn't restore their past glory, at least it could be done without debts. As long as you have the ability, you can find another job with Mu's support, and you can make a comeback. The Mu family's style of behavior has been mixed, but the fact is that the Mu family has stood for hundreds of years and will never fail, and there will always be more enemies than friends.

Feng Weiming has been in contact with many of Mu's confidential matters. Of course, he believes more in Mu's style than a man who kidnapped him and then claimed to be his biological father.

Moreover, whether Chen Fu was his biological father or not, Feng Weiming only recognized Mu Jiuqing as his father. Feelings don't represent everything by blood ties alone.

Chen Fu's face changed, his expression turned gloomy, and the look in Feng Weiming's eyes was not at all like seeing his own son, he was more indifferent than strangers.

But after a while, Chen Fu's expression softened a little bit as if thinking of something through him.

The change in his emotions in the blink of an eye made Feng Weiming more vigilant. He felt that this man's fault was not minor. Although he claimed to be his father, he actually had little affection for him. He kidnapped him, by no means just to admit his relatives, otherwise he had countless opportunities to confess in the previous ten years. He have to wait until now, and still use such an unfriendly way. Feng Weiming even believed that Chen Fu would not hesitate to hurt him in order to achieve his goals.

Feng Weiming's face was expressionless, and his whole body turned into a pool of calm and waveless water. He has been trained. When he is under the control of others, if he cannot escape from danger and the gangster is mentally unstable, it is best for him to remain calm and obedient.

And Chen Fu no longer minded his face, and continued to tell his story.

In fact, as Feng Weiming said, the Mu family is such a group of hypocrites who slapped people down, and the beaten people asked for help, they would indeed lend a hand. It's a pity that Chen Fu's father couldn't stand the shock for a while, and directly dragged his family to death. After all, the tragedy of Chen Fu's family is related to his father's weakness. Therefore, Chen Fu's grandfather did not think of seeking revenge from Mu's family, but hated Chen Fu's father deeply.

But Chen Fu was not so rational at the time. He was just a child who lost his parents overnight, was physically disabled and mentally injured. Revenge is his obsession and the reason for his survival. For decades, the hatred of Mu's family was engraved in his bones.

Although Chen Fu's grandfather was wealthy, he couldn't shake the Mu family, and they couldn't afford to offend the Mu family. So for Chen Fu's miss, they adopted an attitude that neither opposed nor supported him for his health. They let Chen Fu worry about his food and clothing, so that he forgets to deal with the Mu family, but he can only do it alone.

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