Chapter 93

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Mu Jiurong's injury stabilized, and the family returned to Xin'an City by private jet... Mu Jiurong directly recuperated in Yilianyuan, and the company's affairs were temporarily handed over to Mu Yiqi.

Mu Yiqi actually wanted to drag Mu Yixi to help, but he had already boasted that he wanted to do it on his own, and he couldn't go back. Mu Yixi pretended not to see his pitiful look. He was tired and didn't want to help him at all, and felt that he should be cruel to force Yiqi to continue to grow.

Mu Yixuan received the news and rushed back from the United States with Qin He. She first cried in front of Mu Jiurong, coquettishly coaxed Mu Jiurong to be happy, then came out from the master bedroom, she immediately scolded Mu Yixi and Mu Yiqi, even though Mu Yixi was her favorite brother didn't spare him either!

"You bastards, you are hiding from me! I am father's daughter, I have the right to know!" Mu Yixuan scolded and cried, raising his fist to be polite: "Just keep it from me, it's too much! I hate you. !"

Mu Yixuan was far away in the United States, and Mu Jiurong had an accident, and everyone had a tacit understanding not to disturb her. When Mu Jiurong was rescued and everything calmed down, she was notified of the news, and Mu Yixuan was so angry that she gritted her teeth and vowed not to let her two brothers go!

Mu Yixi and Mu Yiqi knew that she was worried, and they bowed their heads in repentance if they didn't fight back. It was Mrs. Mu and Qin He who joined forces to persuade Mu Yixuan, and she groaned and stopped. After that, she surrounded Mu Jiurong as a filial daughter for several days. Mu Jiurong didn't say anything, but just by looking at his face, he knew that he was extremely satisfied. Compared with two difficult sons, Mrs. Mu and Mu Yixuan's mother and daughter are Mu Jiurong's treasures.

Mu Yixi thought: Okay, Mu Jiurong, the smelly old man, is still a bit important to Mrs. Mu and the others.

At this moment, Mu Yixi finally completely dispelled some of the little thoughts about Mu Jiurong (push him down into the fire pit, referred to as "cheating father") in his heart.

"Brother, where are you going and mingming ?" He escaped from Mu Yixuan. Mu Yixi was about to leave. Mu Yiqi sent him out and couldn't help asking.

After Mu Yiqi came back safely, he never saw Feng Weiming. Previously, Mu Yixi said that Feng Weiming brought a group of people to find him from another channel. But he returned safely, followed by Mu Jiurong's long disappearance. How could Feng Weiming never show up? Mu Jiurong was his uncle anyway, and had taken care of him for more than ten years.

"He is back to France in a hurry," Mu Yixi said. He didn't think there was a problem at all. When Mu Yiqi disappeared, Feng Weiming was just as anxious as him, and accompany him to look for it with him apart from anything else. When Feng Weiming watched Ling and they were looking for someone, Mu Yixi could return to Yilianyuan to accompany Mrs. Mu at ease. As for Mu Jiurong's disappearance, even Mu Yixi's own person didn't care about it, let alone Feng Weiming? Not to mention that Mu Jiurong raised him for the benefit of Mu Jiuqing. Later, he and Mu Jingwei joined forces, forcing them to separate for two years, which basically wiped out the lack of mutual affection.

Mu Jiuqing, as Mu Jiurong's younger brother, did not return to China because of his disappearance. When Mu Jiurong was missing, Feng Weiming had to go abroad because of other important matters. It was normal.

"He told you personally?" Mu Yiqi asked. After all, Mu Jiurong is his father, and Feng Weiming is his brother, but he doesn't care about his father so much. Mu Yiqi feels a little uncomfortable. On the other hand, it was the experience during this time that made him a little surprised.

"Yes." Mu Yixi nodded. Five days ago, Feng Weiming called him personally, saying that he was in a hurry to return to France. At that time, Mu Yixi was busy looking for Mu Jiurong, but did not ask him what was urgent, but only told him to be careful along the way.

Mu Yixi paused suddenly.

Five days ago...

Mu Yiqi breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good." He couldn't help but mutter: "If he comes back, tell him to come and see Dad..." How to say, the etiquette is still should pay a visit. Mu Yiqi did not expect that Feng Weiming would leave as soon as he was a child. He grew up together, and Feng Weiming looked cold, but his politeness was always good.

Mu Yixi suddenly picked up the phone and dialed Feng Weiming's number.

"Hello, the phone you dialed is turned off..."

A mechanical voice came from the other end of the phone.

Mu Yiqi's heart burst with uncertainty, watching Mu Yixi not speaking.

Mu Yixi frowned and dialed another number.

After a while, the other party picked up: "Speak." It was Mu Jiuqing's voice. Mu Yixi dialed Mu Jiuqing's private number, and fewer than ten people knew this number.

Mu Yixi said straightforwardly: "Five days ago, he clearly called me and told me that there was an emergency in France and needed him to go back..."

"He didn't come to my side." Mu Jiuqing said. Mu Yixi heard the slight but rapid keyboard sound over there: "He has boarded the plane... for five days! You haven't contacted him for five days?" Mu Jiuqing said very rudely.

Mu Yixi: "...Are you sure that he is not in France?"

"What's the use of you!" Mu Jiuqing scolded, and suddenly his voice became stronger: "It is not him who boarded the plane! Vin, check the young master's whereabouts right away! Damn it!"

Mu Yixi was shocked when he heard what he said, and when he was about to talk again, Mu Jiuqing had already hung up the phone with a "pop"!

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