Chapter 51

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Mu Yixi nodded, and said frankly: "Yes, I did it on purpose." Seeing Mu Yiqi glaring at him, his face darkened, and he muttered: "I saw Xia Weiwei walking with that man several times. Could it be that I Shouldn't tell you?"

Of course this is not true. He had made an appointment with Gao Yuanxiang for today's appearance. Originally, he just wanted to show Mu Yiqi what his girlfriend was doing with him on his back. He didn't expect Xia Weiwei to be so "cooperating" with Mu Yiqi in front of Gao Yuanxiang. The identities of being lover is denied.

However, in Mu Yiqi's view, today it was Mu Yixi who deliberately took him into the restaurant to let him see his girlfriend dating other boys. And he has a very good reason for doing this: for his good!

Mu Yiqi also knew that Mu Yixi was doing it for his own good, and couldn't bear to see him being cheated and kept in the dark, but he still felt very bad!

He felt that he was being seen as a joke, and he was greatly embarrassed in front of his brother and mingming ! You must know that since Mu Yixi and Feng Weiming met Xia Weiwei and didn't express their disagreement, Mu Yiqi was half showing off, half for adding points to his girlfriend, who often praised Xia Weiwei in front of them. Now it's like this, it's tantamount to slap him hard!

This made him unable to put on a good face and felt unable to face Mu Yixi and Feng Weiming.

"It makes you sad, elder brother apologizes." Mu Yixi said soothingly.

"You are finished, what else can I say?" Mu Yiqi said a little bit out of control, "Can't you tell me in another way?" Since I saw it earlier, why didn't He say it earlier?

"Mu Yiqi!" Feng Weiming shouted in a low voice.

Although he did not approve of Mu Yixi being so deliberate about Mu Yiqi's affairs, he couldn't help but feel a little dissatisfied when he saw Mu Yixi's kindness being tarneted by Mu Yiqi.

Put another way, would Mu Yiqi not be sad?

If there is no real evidence, will he believe it?

Mu Yiqi also knew this truth, but he couldn't control his anger. Seeing Feng Weiming standing by Mu Yixi's side, he suddenly felt isolated.

"Mingming ..." Mu Yixi shook his head at Feng Weiming. People who are broken in love can only be considerate. He knew that Mu Yiqi felt uncomfortable and didn't mind his attitude.

"Brother, always be a good person, aren't you tired?" Mu Yiqi's anger seemed unreasonable against Mu Yixi's generous consideration. If in normal times, Mu Yiqi had realized that it was not good, so he would converge first. However, the teenagers in the puberty cannot be inferred from common sense. Not only did Mu Yiqi fail to receive Mu Yixi's kindness, but he also sneered at him

The relationship between the two brothers has always been good. Mu Yiqi dared to choke on Mu Jiurong when he became second, but he never tried to say anything bad to Mu Yixi. Suddenly there was such a sentence, and Mu Yixi was taken aback for a moment, and what he had just pretended was really sad.

"Mu Yiqi, apologize." Feng Weiming lowered his face. How about Mu Yiqi's upbringing? Do you talk to brother like this?

"I won't talk to you anymore." Mu Yiqi saw Mu Yixi stunned, regretted a little, but still stiffened, turned and walked away with a black face.

Taking a look at Mu Yiqi's back stretched away, and seeing Mu Yixi's expression, Feng Weiming rarely stretched out his hand and pressed his shoulder.

Mu Yixi breathed a sigh of relief, and said weakly, "I'm fine..." He and Mu Yiqi have been well for so many years. Mu Yiqi has nothing to say about his goodness, or this is because Mu Yixi dared to overdo it. Interfere with Mu Yiqi's life. But this time, Mu Yiqi was really angry.

Mu Yiqi lost his temper for the first time, and it felt more uncomfortable than imagined.

But For a girl...

Mu Yixi was reluctant to be angry with Mu Yiqi, but looked down on Xia Weiwei even more, and became more determined not to let Mu Yiqi be with her.

"Since he broke up with that woman, you can stop it." Feng Weiming said lightly. Mu Yiqi is not stupid, just believing that Mu Yixi will be deceived. But the incident this time is obviously a warning. If Mu Yixi manages too broadly, Mu Yiqi might not be able to be kind when he rebounds.

Mu Yixi said nothing. He cannot guarantee. It is impossible for him to watch Mu Yiqi fall into the pit and do nothing. Fighting to be hated by Mu Yiqi, he can managed it.

"Now Mingming cares about me too!" Mu Yixi smiled and changed the subject, sighing and saying, "you are going to surpass Xiaoqi."

Feng Weiming secretly took his luck, trying to calmly look at him without being affected: "You are now Playing with fire. There is no impenetrable wall in the world. You can guarantee that Mu Yiqi will never know what you have done? He called you eldest brother for so many years, and You don't want him to be sad."

Mu Yixi's smile faded. There is nothing to say about Feng Weiming's concern for Mu Yiqi. At the same time Feng Weiming was also warning him, he knew this details. If Feng Weiming really couldn't see it one day, he might tell Mu Yiqi everything.

"Well, mingming , I understand what you mean." Mu Yixi had to compromise. It seems that in the future what he wants to do, he must first think of a plan that can bypass Feng Weiming-a headache, Feng Weiming is not easy to fool... But soon Mu Yixi will know that he doesn't need to do it again, because Mu YiQi's second grade is in the late stage, and no one will listen to it!

And at this time, I didn't know that Mu Yixi, who had turned a corner in the future, even though he was unilaterally cold warped by Mu Yiqi, he continued to inquire about Mu Yiqi's movements responsibly. Knowing that Mu Yiqi had gone to find Yan Yu, Mu Yixi's mental arithmetic was half down.

Yan Yu is Qin He's half-elder brother. Qin He's father Yan Kai didn't perform a bit of his father's responsibilities to Yan Yu before he was ten years old. Later, after several twists and turns, he finally realized it and decided to make up for it. Qin He's mother, Qin Zhengxin, couldn't accept Yan Yu, and divorced Yan Kai. Yan Kai took Yan Yu back to raise herself.

At first Qin He hated Yan Yu very much, thinking that he was the culprit who caused their family to fall apart, but Yan Yu helped Qin He again and again, one of which was a very dangerous situation, and it was not an exaggeration to say that he was saving his life. Gradually, Qin He didn't reject Yan Yu so much.

The most important thing is that after Yan Kai's nearly ten years of hard work, Qin Zhengxin's attitude has finally softened and she no longer regards Yan Yu as a thorn in her eyes or a thorn in her flesh.

On the one hand, it is the influence of Yan Kai and Qin He, on the other hand, Yan Yu is really a very difficult and annoying person.

He is very calm and serene, with a clear heart. No matter when and where, he is always calm and calm. But unlike Feng Weiming's indifference and coldness, Yan Yu's calmness exceeds his age, as if he is an old man who has experienced worldly feelings, who is lenient and tolerant to people and matters, and makes people unconsciously close to him. He is an excellent listener.

After graduating from junior high school, he did not go to high school, but went to the mountain to practice for two years. After returning, he became obsessed with carving. The sculptured works are magnificent. His father, Yan Kai, was keenly aware of business opportunities with a businessman's keenness and wanted to help him run it. Yan Yu refused. Finally, he opened a small shop in the city and asked a clerk to look at the shop. He stayed behind the shop all day long. In the small compartment, either carved, or soaked in a pot of tea, and spent a day in a daze. Yan Yu didn't let Yan Kai think that he was suffering from autism because if someone came, Yan Yu would still come out. If it was an acquaintance like Qin He, he could be patient with him for a long time.

Because of Qin He's relationship, the Mu family's three brothers and Yan Yu met many times. Mu Yixi had never talked with Yan Yu alone, but both knew each other's origins. They are all people who have come over again, but it is obvious that Yan Yu has completely put down, and Mu Yixi decided to change.

Mu Yixi can still trust Yan Yu's character. Mu Yiqi is naturally better to make this kind of friends than to circle around Xia Weiwei.

Mu Yiqi solved it here, so Mu Yixi could free up to beat Feng Kun!

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