Chapter 33

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The busy and busy winter vacation has passed, and the children ushered in a new semester.

However, Mu Yixi and Mu Yiqi's relaxed and happy campus life was a little challenged because of Feng Weiming.

Last semester, Feng Weiming stayed in school for a very short time. He was in a bad mood and had too many things to adapt to. He had no time to deal with Mu Yixi and Mu Yiqi. But the new semester came, and Feng Weiming seemed to have adjusted, so he freed his hands to lash Mu Yiqi and Mu Yixi who seemed to a waste of life (this is by the way).

In terms of IQ, Mu Yixi and Mu Yiqi are only a little smarter than their peers, while Feng Weiming is a real genius. The reason why he only achieved intermediate grades last semester was because of his insufficient Chinese level. After a winter vacation, Feng the Elementary School tyrant killed everyone in the preliminary examination at the beginning of the school and reached the top of the list. Moreover, he is a talent with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physical education, art and labor. Regardless of his small face, he doesn't seem to love sports, but his achievements in entertainment and sports are very impressive. He is also good at the upgraded version. There is only one foreign language in the elementary school course-English. He can also speak French, German, Spanish, and Arabic. Among them, French speaks smoothly, and the other three have something to learn. In addition to English, Mu Yixi and Mu Yiqi have zero knowledge in other foreign languages. Primary school teaches singing, Feng Primary Schoolmaster can play the piano, Richard's simplified version of "To Alice" plays extremely smoothly, and after Mu Yixi and Mu Yiqi received family elite education, the former chose the piano and the latter chose the violin. The violin is still at the stage of learning to read the staff.

Mu Yixi and Mu Yiqi said that it was indeed a little embarrassing to be crushed by their younger brother.

It doesn't matter if the level is low, the most important thing is to work hard to improve.

Toys, books, snacks, meaningless children are not allowed to have. In addition to proper exercise, they have to learn a book for elementary school students in their spare time, and they also contain elementary school Mathematical questions.

Mu Yixi and Mu Yiqi looked at Feng Weiming: "..." Do you want to make such a strong demand for progress, brother? It doesn't match your usual cold style of painting.

The level is too bad and embarrassing. Feng Weiming looked at them coldly. He still remembered the few letters sent to France with strange combinations of characters, pinyin, and patterns. It's just that his Chinese literacy level has not yet reached the level of overwhelming two cousins, so he didn't particularly emphasize that they should be able to recognize words quickly.

Although this younger brother's aura is a bit terrifying, no older brother likes to be dictated by his younger brother.

Mu Yiqi was about to show off his elder brother's muscles. Feng Weiming said, "You are not allowed to play with Louis and Caesar." Mu Yiqi's arrogance was immediately pierced.

Now Mu Yiqi loves these two dogs so much, he hugs them to the bed and sleeps together. It happened that WeiMing was the real master of them, and he could manage them well, so that they would not go to the east and never go to the west. Feng Weiming forbids them to play with Mu Yiqi, Louis and Caesar will definitely stay by his side and never go anywhere-even if Louis is not good enough, Caesar will let him be good.

Mu Yiqi gave in.

To Mu Yixi: "I told Mu Yiqi that you deliberately let him win."

Mu Yixi and Mu Yiqi are now learning at the same time, but when they get results, Mu Yixi deliberately let Mu Yiqi win. For this, Mu Yiqi was anxious for a while, and wanted to ask the teacher how to improve his grades. If Mu Yiqi knew that Mu Yixi let him, Mu Yiqi would definitely be angry. Once Mrs. Mu or Xu Qingli knew about it, it was even more troublesome.

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