Chapter 81

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"I don't understand the children now." Mu Yixi got into the back of the private car and said with emotion to Feng Weiming, who had folded his legs and supported his chin with one hand.

Feng Weiming looked lazy. He was "waited" by Mu Yixi last night (Feng Weiming insisted on "waiting"), and he slept late. At this time, the whole person was a little sleepy. He is seizing the time to close his eyes and rest his mind.

Hearing Mu Yixi's old-fashioned words, he raised his eyes and did not hide the disapproval in his eyes.

Mu Yixi is only twenty years old. It seems to many people that he is also a child whose hair has not yet grown. It is strange to address someone four years older than him in this elder's tone. However, Feng Weiming knew that he, like himself, was very precocious(?), had a high-sightedness, was decisive at work, and shared topics with people who were older than them, so he wouldn't judge his tone.

What Feng Weiming didn't agree with was Mu Yixi's extravagance, so he stayed in the car after being pulled by Mu Yixi, and did not go to see Yan Yu.

"Could it be that you really want Mu Yiqi to be with him?" Feng Weiming asked sarcastically.

Unlike them, Mu Yiqi does not have the burden of an orthodox heir, even if there is resistance, it is limited. Now the future of the entire Mu's family is pointing to him. Don't you see that Mu Jiu'an, who has been fighting with Mu Jiurong for half his life since Mu Yirun gave up the right to inheritance, died? It is precisely because of Mu Yiqi's identity change. There are too many connections to him, and he must not act arbitrarily.

Mu Yixi was very entangled. He hoped that Mu Yiqi would get everything he wanted and be happy and happy all his life. But when what he wants is a man, a relationship that is not tolerated by the world, and it will definitely humiliate the faces of Mrs. Mu and Mu Yixuan, Mu Yixi can hardly agree with this path. On the other hand, Mu Yixi, who is also a survivor of life, has a bit of indifference to Yan Yu's inaction. Seeing that he had a new action this time, he thought that he would finally change his mind for Mu Yiqi to be angry and strong, but he did not expect that he would just try it out, and the slightest care for Mu Yiqi could not compare to his greed for comfort. Mu Yixi didn't want to hand over his beloved brother to such a person.

As Yan Yu said just now, Mu Yiqi is not him Mu Yixi. And Yan Yu didn't have the slightest confidence like Feng Weiming. Even if they are reluctant to be together because of a momentary spirit, it is estimated that it will be difficult to escape the end of Lao Yanfenfei in the future.

Compared with Mu Yixi's care and vacillation, Feng Weiming's position has always been firm-he does not approve.

"Regardless of his responsibilities, Mu Yiqi is in love for a long time. It took him five years for a first love he didn't know to come out completely. Yan Yu's character and appearance are okay, it's really done. Mu Yiqi has to remember him for a lifetime, but it was a pity that he was of wrong Gender. It's better to isolate yourself early while the relationship is still shallow."

These words of Feng Weiming shocked Mu Yixi!

is not that right? In the last life, Mu Yiqi had been stomping for Xia Weiwei all his life, and even Yan Yu who could make him empathize with each other had never appeared. Mu Yixi has witnessed his depression with his own eyes.

Feng Weiming didn't know this paragraph, but he was very careful, and he often saw it more deeply and accurately than the average person.

Mu Yixi was also awakened by his words! In this life, Mu Yiqi will embark on the road of liking the same sex. Isn't it because Xia Weiwei betrayed him and stepped on two boats?

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