Chapter 54

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Mu Yixi couldn't remember how he got out of Mu Yixuan's room.

Mu Yixuan repeatedly assured him that she would never mess with Qin He. when she was still young, holding his hands and not letting him kiss her at the most. If he do something ,he will have an excuse to clean up Qin He, Mu Yixi smiled reflexively and nodded, not knowing where he was floating.

Then, as soon as Mu Yixi came out, he saw Feng Weiming standing outside. Mu Yixi and Mu Yixuan are both boys and girls, it is not good to close the door and live in the same room alone, so they didn't close the door just now. If Feng Weiming had been here, he would have heard all the words of the two brothers and sisters.

Mu Yixi looked at Feng Weiming blankly for two seconds before reluctantly pulling at the corners of his lips, crossing him back to his room.

On the way, my left foot tripped my right foot, staggered and almost fell.

Feng Weiming moved faster than his head, and immediately walked over to support him, Mu Yixi raised his head and glanced at him, his dazed eyes slammed Feng Weiming's heart hard.

Feng Weiming sighed and said softly, "Mu Yixi, stay steady."

When he returned to his room, Mu Yixi seemed to have recovered, and said embarrassedly: "Hey, it's a joke, I'm fine. Thank you, mingming ..."

Feng Weiming shook his hand silently.

Mu Yixi was taken aback, the expression on his face faded bit by bit.

Silence spread between the two.

After a long while, Feng Weiming said: " Axuan cares about you..."

"I know..." Mu Yixi smiled bitterly: "I just..." I didn't expect Mu Yixuan to see it.

To live a lifetime again, Mu Yixi's goal is to treat Mrs. Mu and Mu Yiqi , Mu Yixuan well, do everything possible to make them happy and avoid possible harm. He thought that he was clever, did not show any traces, and concealed everything very well. Unexpectedly, even a 13-year-old girl could see through his mind. Since Mu Yixuan can see it, how about Mrs. Namu?

Mu Yixi felt that he was stripped of his skin.

What frustrated him in particular was that Mrs. Mu couldn't help him temporarily, but Mu Yiqi and Mu Yixuan had their own ideas, and felt disapproval and resistance to his interference. Mu Yixuan's words were very beautiful, but they couldn't hide the meaning of "Brother, don't care about me, take care of yourself first".

He was single-minded for their purpose in life, and he didn't get their approval.

But if it is not for them and not for atonement for the mistakes he has committed, what is the purpose of his resurrection?

The goal he had set up since he was a child fell through, and Mu Yixi was at a loss as never before.

"Don't you have anything else you want to do besides turning around Mrs. Mu and Mu Yiqi and Mu Yixuan?" Even Feng Weiming couldn't help but ask.

To be honest, Feng Weiming was also awakened by accidentally listening to Mu Yixuan's words to Mu Yixi.

Feng Weiming knows Mu Yixi's details better than others. He has always seen Mu Yixi's actions in his eyes, knowing that he has deep feelings for Mrs. Mu and Mu Yiqi and Mu Yixuan brothers and sisters. But Mu Yixi's devotion to them has always given him an indescribable sense of disobedience. The things he does are often very detailed and careful, but the starting point is very strange. For example, his all-round setting for Xia Weiwei is aimed at Preventing the younger brother in adolescence from falling in love is quite unbelievable. Feng Weiming couldn't understand why Mu Yixi wanted to manage so broadly.

Mu Yixuan's words made Feng Weiming suddenly clear.

Mu Yixi's heart for Mrs. Mu and Mu Yiqi and Mu Yixuan's brothers and sisters is no longer as simple as simply caring, it is almost paranoid, and imposing what he thinks is right on them-although so far, the facts have proved him Is correct, but what about later?

He protected them so tightly that he seemed to want to fill them up in glass bottles. In the future, Mu Yiqi and Mu Yixuan will grow up, how will they face the complex and treacherous society? How to take on your own life?

Besides, where did he put himself? Is the meaning of his life all in others? What about his own life?

"I want them to be happy..." Mu Yixi said generally. For the first time, I confided my heart.

Feng Weiming felt that Mu Yixi at this moment was so stupid: "Mu Yixi, they like you, they love you, and they also hope you are happy..." Feng Weiming really thinks this is the most nasty thing he has ever said in his life.

Mu Yixi looked at him and shook his head: "You don't understand." Feng Weiming didn't know what he owed Mrs. Mu and them.

"Why don't I understand? What it's like to like someone, I know." Feng Weiming said lightly, looking deeply into Mu Yixi's eyes: "It's all the same. I hope to see the people I like happy, don't suffer Hurt..."

Mu Yixi looked at him in shock, because he saw the clear but unquestionable affection in his eyes—to him!

"Mu Yixi, I dare to say that I like you. Do you dare to accept it?"

"Which kind of like?" Mu Yixi's voice changed in surprise!

Feng Weiming lowered his eyelashes, tilted his head to touch his lips, and asked calmly, "What do you mean?"

Mu Yixi petrified.

"Mingming, are you kidding...?" It seemed that it had been half a century before Mu Yixi found his voice. He got used to seeing Feng Weiming's face, and often choked him up. Just now, just now... Feng Weiming was teasing him, right?

He put in so much effort, at best, it just made Feng Weiming not hate him, but like it? Still like this? He and Feng Weiming are both males!

"Do you think I really want to like you?" Feng Weiming's eyebrows stood slightly, reluctant to say.

Mu Yixi stared at him blankly.

"What's so good about you? You don't look as beautiful as me (Mu Yixi eyes out the window, Feng Weiming actually considers himself beautiful!), study is not as good as me, IQ is not as high as me, treacherous and cunning, hardworking, often treats people as fools You don't know that you are also a fool..." Feng Weiming's tone contained a faint resentment. Like such a person, he is also very depressed, OK?

Originally, he thought he was paying attention to Mu Yixi because of Mu Yiqi and Mu Yixuan, but now, he can't deceive himself or others.

Not happy that he looked at other girls, and didn't want to see him so tired and burdened so much for Mrs. Mu and Mu Yiqi and Mu Yixuan. Allow him to get close, let him run around without resisting, wanting him to care more about himself, willing to spend his time and energy to help him make suggestions...

If it's not like, Feng Weiming doesn't know what he likes anymore.

When did this start? Feng Weiming was also puzzled.

Mu Yixi never dreamed that his opponent in the previous life would confess to him!

Of course he doesn't hate Feng Weiming, but he likes that?

Mu Yixi unconsciously licked the lips that Feng Weiming had touched just now.

Feng Weiming's white cheeks slowly appeared red, incredibly beautiful.

For a moment, Mu Yixi forgot about Mrs. Mu and Mu Yiqi and Mu Yixuan, only to hear the sound of a pounding heart.

He whimpered and hugged his head: "Let me think about it, let me think about it..."

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