Chapter 32

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Mu Yixi's birthday is December 20 of the Gregorian calendar, and Feng Weiming's birthday is December 22 of the Gregorian calendar. Mu Yixi is exactly one year and two days older than Feng Weiming.

Because their birthdays are close, the celebration party is scheduled for December 21st.

Feng Weiming has just entered the Ya'an Primary School and has not made any friends. He and Mu Yixi are in the same class. This time they are all classmates, as well as Mu Yirun and Mu Yiyun's brothers and sisters.

The party was lively and joyous, and both Mu Yixi and Feng Weiming received many gifts.

Feng Weiming did not return to France with Mu Jiuqing, but chose to stay in China. Although this was his own decision, he seemed calm on the surface, but he felt somewhat uncomfortable in his heart. In a bad mood, he didn't have much interest in birthday parties, but Mu Jiuqing sent Louis and Caesar over as birthday presents, and Feng Weiming immediately had a smile on his face. Mu Yiqi was so happy that he jumped three feet high, and immediately rushed to hold Louis and didn't let go... After happily celebrating his birthday, the children ushered in the final exam.

Mu Yiqi and Mu Yixuan took the first place in the second grade of elementary school and the first place in the kindergarten class respectively, and received a 50 yuan award from the school. Mu Yixi and Feng Weiming's results are in the middle reaches. Mu Yixi did it on purpose. He didn't want to compete with Mu Yiqi at all, and Mrs. Mu didn't take this seriously. Feng Weiming is still adapting to the difference between foreign and domestic education. It is surprising that he can achieve this result in just one month of study.

Mu Yixuan deeply remembered that in the summer vacation in France, Mu Yiqi won the game and got ten francs as a reward. This time She got the reward from the school and immediately offered Mu Yixi a treat : "Brother Teddy, I invite you to eat ice cream!" After speaking, She saw Mu Yiqi and Feng Weiming and said, "Brother little chick , too. Eat with Mingming!"

Mu Yiqi is now numb to the term "Brother Little Chicken". Mu Yixuan became sensible, sometimes deliberately teasing him. He also grown-up a lot and doesn't care about little girls.

"Who would eat ice cream on a cold day?" Mu Yiqi didn't care, just despised.

Finally, the bonuses of Mu Yiqi and Mu Yixuan were combined, together with the friendship sponsorship of Mu Jiurong and Mrs. Mu, and the family went out for a meal.

Because this meal was invited by Mu Yiqi and Mu Yixuan in name, Feng Weiming, who didn't like to owe people, said: "I will get a reward next semester." The subtext is that he will invite it next time. Naturally, the tone is as simple as learning to drink water, and it is bound to be easy.

Mu Yixi, who did not speak, suddenly became the focus of attention.

Mrs. Mu made a round: "As long as you work hard, it's good."

Mu Yixi wanted to get the first place in the whole year immediately.

It was the Spring Festival in a blink of an eye.

On New Year's Eve, according to the usual practice, all members of the Mu family's direct descendants gathered at the Mu's old house in Ningxiang to keep the year old. From the first day to the third day of the new year is the annual Mu family gathering, when all the members of the direct and collateral family will gather together to worship the ancestors and set a banquet.

Mu's family are scattered all over the world, and those who are far away must leave several days earlier. Unless there are tens of thousands of urgent things, it is rare that they will not come. This is the ancestral motto of the Mu family: no matter where you are or why you travel, you must remember where your roots are.

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