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Staring at this god forsaken home that they keep me squared away in. It was all I could seem to do with my life anymore. The days had grown so boring in this manor, I can't even think about anything interesting.

I'm not so sure my parents even have any real reasons for it. This truly has been the worst summer of my life.

Staring out the window into the backyard.

What would my life be like if I didn't have to live this way every day? If I could be like my friends, and go places and see the world. It used to be that way— until my parents changed a few months back.

What if I had a normal life for once? With no magic in it? What if my life could just be simple?

Would that even make it simpler?

Staring at the clock as it chimed and another hour came and went.

That was a ridiculous thought. Probably the stupidest one I had ever had. Who would want to live like that? Without magic— like a Muggle. My life was the normal one. Not the obscure life those imbeciles live.

I must be bored.

Staring at my oversized living room, decorated with a few leather couches and lounge chairs that my mother had placed in a perfect arrangement. Always wanted the best things. Always had to be the best.

Better yet— to top off the last questions I asked myself— who would want to live in a life that isn't mine? I have everything I could possibly want and more. A beautiful home— who I have my parents to thank for—good grades, extremely talented, musically inclined, good looks.

I am said to be a stunner by those who come across me. Long beautiful hair, covered in perfectly placed blonde highlights to give it some more dimension. Stunning blue eyes. So crystal clear it seemed like they could see right through you if they truly wanted to. My complexion is flawless. My skin tans with such ease, holding throughout the year to always make me look sun kissed. My skin is perfectly clear. All except for the faint freckles that cover my face.

Staring at one of the few house elves we have as they cook me dinner.

I am living the life that so many others wished they could live, and I still feel... ungrateful? That's what my mother says, at least.

But I don't tend to believe that word describes how I feel. I am grateful. Extremely grateful, in fact. I love myself. I love my house. I love the life that I have.


I guess I feel... like I'm longing for something? But I know I have everything that a girl my age could want. What more could I need?

Almost everything, Juliet. You almost have everything you could need.

You know what I don't have?

Affection & attention.

And Merlin, I know that sounds completely desperate for me to say. Even just a year ago I would've scoffed at the thought had someone told me it would be like this in the future.

That I would lay around in my manor every single day and feel as though I need a cuddle and some sort of affirmation?

But I do.

I guess they weren't kidding when they said that your teenage years could be rough. Hormones raging, emotions flying off of the wall, changes, awkwardness, the whole 9 yard.

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