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"Don't you ever get tired of it?" Maggie's question brought me out of my day dreaming instantly. My nerves were completely shot lately knowing what was to come at any time now. It was the beginning of June. The end of the school year.

"Of what?" I asked her as casually as I could while picking at the lamb chop that I had hardly eaten. I didn't have the stomach to keep anything down anymore.

Draco's erratic behavior lately only increased my fears as he was becoming more and more of a wreck. He was hoping to be done the cabinet sometime this week, giving him time to 'relax' for the rest of the school year. A lie. He was full of them lately, trying to keep me from knowing the truth behind his worries.

"Draco." Maggie shrugged, bringing me back to the conversation again. I have to stop letting my mind run so wild. "I mean, look at Ari." She pointed at Aria who sat beside me. I looked back and forth between the two of them in confusion. What about her?

"What does she have to do with Draco?" I asked, not following what she was saying to me. She looked at me like I was totally stupid.

"Her and Blaise, you idiot. Not ferret." She laughed once. "I have no room to talk, I know. The only boy I've ever gotten relatively close to is Crabbe, and even that's not really something to brag about," she laughed again, "but I feel like this just isn't how relationships work. Y'know?" She scrunched up her face, trying to get me to understand what she was saying. I laughed internally at her.

This fucking bitch.

I had been brushing off her jabs at Draco for weeks, because truly, I do love her. She was one of my oldest friends. But I cannot deal with this shit for the rest of my fucking life.

"Every relationship is different. You can't compare mine to Ari's or anyone else's." I shrugged, not
seeing the issue. Just don't start a fight.

"He's just never around. He stresses you out, he doesn't even act like he likes you when he does come to see you. You really want to put yourself through that?" She shook her head, not seeing what I saw. "It just seems like it's doing you more harm than good." She tried telling me.

"He's just really stressed out right now. You don't know what he's going through this year. None of you do," I glanced around at my friends. "It doesn't matter to me how he acts, honestly. I love him either way." I laughed it off, ready for the conversation to drop.

"She makes a good point though." Dani finally chimed in, agreeing with Maggie as she ate her dinner. Why the fuck is everyone ganging up on me? "Does he still love you? I mean, that's the real question here. I'm not questioning it. Just in general." She defended herself, not wanting to make me upset. "He's just taken such a 180. He used to make it his mission to make you happy, and now it just seems like he doesn't care how you feel. I just don't understand how his behavior doesn't upset you more than it has. I feel like if I had a boyfriend-" She continued to give her unneeded opinion before I finally cut her off.

"But you don't. You don't have a boyfriend. Neither of you do. Notice how Ari hasn't said anything negative? She just minds her business. That's how stuff like this works. It doesn't affect anyone else, so you just mind your own." I finally told them off, growing annoyed by their accusations. It was like my anger wasn't enough to stop them.

"When was the last time he kissed you?" Maggie pointed at me with her fork, trying to get more information. I let out a harsh breath as I put my own fork down.

"I don't know. Few days ago." I shrugged, not keeping track to know the answer. This is ridiculous.

"What about told you he loves you? He used to do it everyday. What about now?" Maggie added.

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