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I walked through the castle with my trunk in my hands. My robes were on already, sure to hide the mark on my arm and blend me in with the other students while I settled in. I wasn't sure how I would hide the dark mark forever, but that was my own personal mission.

Every one else was supposed to be at dinner at this hour since it was the end of the day. I wasn't sure if Draco was or not, but that was the least of my worries at the moment.

I tried my best to get rid of my puffy eyes this morning, attempting to hide all of the crying I had done in recent days. I dreaded leaving the comfort of my mother and father. I couldn't confide in Draco for the same comfort I got from them about this situation. Besides, there was nothing I could do to change anything anyway. What was the point in crying anymore about it?

My stomach hasn't felt any better since I left the Malfoy's study days ago. Constantly in knots, ready to throw up in an instant. I couldn't eat anything, worried that it would only make me feel worse. I had hardly slept unless my mother was there to coddle me through the night. I was a wreck.

No wonder Draco looks the way he does. This is no joke. It ruins you.

I walked into the common room, an empty look on my face. I walked towards the staircase and made my way up to my dorm. I unlocked the door and stepped inside to a thankfully empty room.

I placed my trunk and the floor and started to unpacked. I placed all of my belongings back into their correct places and sat on my bed when I was finished.

I didn't know what I was going to do. I didn't want to return to classes or do any work. I didn't want to face other students. I didn't want to admit what I had become. I just wanted to return home. I laid back on the bed, taking in a deep breath.

I wanted nothing more than to find Draco right now to make me feel better. I just wanted to curl up in a ball and cry. Although, I wasn't sure if I'd even be able to do that. He'd ask so many questions about why I was upset, but I would have no answers to give him. I'm going to have to lie. Deal with the pain and misery myself. Like he had for months.

I took my robes off and replaced them with a pair of soft pajamas. I slipped one of Draco's many sweatshirts that I had collected on and made my way towards the door. I tiredly pulled my hair up into a messy bun as I walked down the stairs to the common room.

When I had reached the bottom of the steps I heard the entrance shifting, causing my attention to turn towards it. Draco walked through with Blaise at his side, laughing and shoving each other lightly.

Marvelous timing.

Blaise was the first to notice me, a brighter smile breaking across his face as he did. Before he could even yell my name, Draco looked in my direction. He immediately sprinted at me, closing off the short distance between us. He scooped me up into his arms and twirled for a moment, hugging me tightly like I had needed all day.

"Ughhh, thank Merlin. It was becoming unbearable." Draco huffed. "Hello, my love." He said sweetly into my ear as he placed one of his hands on the back of my hair, while the other arm held me up by my waist. He kissed the side of my head quickly before he returned to hugging me close.

I wrapped my arms around his neck instinctively, putting my face in his neck. One of the biggest things that I had missed over our short break from one another met me instantly. He smelled so good. I felt the tears brimming my eyes as I felt his warm embrace. I couldn't hold them back any longer after trying to all day long. My throat was tightening quickly as I held them in.

"I missed you so much." I cried softly, not caring if Blaise was there or not. He had seen my worst days just as much as Draco had.

"Shhh," Draco rubbed my back gently, placing my feet back down on the floor. I buried my face against his chest, my soft cries still escaping as he wrapped his arms around my neck. "Don't cry. You're with me now, it's okay." Draco whispered softly into my ear.

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