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"I'd be dead without you. My timer should've been up a long time ago." I whispered as Draco rubbed my cheek gently.

"Don't say that," he mumbled as he studied my face in front of his. He had already gotten rid of the large scratch on my cheek, left by the Dark Lord, allowing me to ditch any sort of scar I worried I'd have.

"It's true. You took an oath to protect me when you were only what? Like 14, and you've done just that. Without you, I'd probably have died years ago." I chuckled lightly. He gave me a weak smile as he brushed my hair back. His fingers got caught in a few tangled that he tried his best to pull apart gently.

"Even without the oath I took with our fathers, I feel like I would've found a way to protect you," he whispered. I laughed lightly as my head rolled to the side slightly.

"That's not true, Malfoy. You didn't even like me back then," I teased him. He remained serious as he turned my face back towards his.

"We would've became friends that year either way. Whether our families did business together or not. I know we would have." He guaranteed me. "I thought you were perfect, and I told you a thousand times that you were the only girl that met my standards." He chuckled lowly. "I still would've asked you to dance in the classroom that day that we practiced for the Yule ball. It didn't take long for me to fall for you, love. I promise I would've came after you while you were with Diggory either way, whether it really was a forced friendship or not." His voice turned more serious as he spoke.

"I'm thankful every day that you actually gave it all a real chance," I smiled softly as I spoke. "Had you really been a stubborn ass and kept our friendship to a minimum like you originally planned, I'd have never gotten a chance to get to know you. I would've gone every day thinking you were a prick." I teased as I shoved him lightly. He laughed softly as he rolled on top of me.

"Please, just don't die before our wedding happens. That's all I ask," he chuckled before he started kissing my cheeks repeatedly. I giggled at the feeling of his lips tickling my soft skin.

"I'll try not to, love. I promise." I giggled. "Besides, how much worse can any of this get? I feel like we have already experienced the worst." I sighed. He didn't respond, trying to stay hopeful and let me think what I wanted. Another part of being so protective over me. Wanting me to keep my innocent ideas about the world around us.

We still had on our clothes from the day before after the long night that we had experienced. The sun was starting to peak through his bedroom windows, and a new day was shining amongst us as we stayed awake all night.

"Are you hungry, pretty girl?" He asked as he rolled off of me and laid beside me once again. We both laid on our sides so that we could look at each other.

"A little." I admitted as I stared at him. "Can I tell you something?" I asked him as he stared back at me. His eyes softened and started to melt while his face concentrated on mine.

"You're so pretty," he whispered. "You know, when you opened your eyes and looked into mine last night, it was hands down the best feeling I had ever felt in the world. I had never felt anything like I did when I saw your eyes looking into mine again and I knew you were okay. It was like all the weight in my chest had been lifted off, and a whole new wave of relief washed through me," he spoke a little louder as he admitted it. I felt blush flooding my cheeks as a smile crept on to my lips. "I'm sorry. I'm just talking. What's your question?" He asked as he tucked my hair behind my ear so it was out of the way.

"Can we go back to school?" I asked him. "Today. I want to go back. After last night, I don't want to stick around for the Dark Lord's angry war path. I want us to return to normal as soon as possible." I told him. He took a deep breath as he pursed his lips together and thought it through. He knew I was right about the war path, but he also wasn't sure how much fun we'd have back at Hogwarts either.

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