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"Why would he shove you in the dining hall then?" Ari asked as we sat criss crossed on my bed in our dorm room gossiping.

I was trying to explain what had happened today to see what she had thought of Malfoy's bizarre behavior. I shook my head slightly, shrugging my shoulders in confusion.

"I have no idea, honestly. He was being so nice to me this morning when we were trying to get to the train together." I paused for a moment to think. "Well, maybe I'm looking too deep into it. I mean, all he did was help me get to the train. We barely even spoke." I said, thinking about the interaction into more depth.

"See, this is why I don't fuck with that little daddy's boy." Aria's voice grew angrier as she started speaking about Malfoy. "He just thinks he is the king of the fucking world! It drives me up a wall! Treats all girls like garbage, is rude to anyone who doesn't bow down to him, it's absurd!" She shouted.

She did have a point. It was absurd how he always acted so angry and nasty towards other people. I didn't want to have any bad blood with Draco. I quite liked him, actually. I had never personally had any issues with him. I think he's a handsome guy. We have a lot of similarities in our lives, and I know he recognizes that as well.

I do think he can be rude at times. I have witnessed it tremendously through the years, but it's never been towards me so I didn't care about his actions all that much.

At least, it wasn't towards me. I guess that was in the past now. I must be one of his new targets for some unknown reason.

"Well, I suppose I should get into my own bed now. I don't want to stay up too late." Ari said as she climbed off of my bed and headed over to her own.

"Besides, we have potions class early in the morning, and you and I both know how bad I am at them. Snape barely let me pass last year." She laughed, "I need all the sleep I can get to prepare for that one..." she added as she climbed onto her bed and slid under her quilt.

I chuckled at her attempted enthusiasm to tomorrow's classes. I laid down under my blankets as well, trying to make myself more comfortable.

I was actually really excited for potions class. It's always been one of my top subjects. I don't know what it is that intrigues me about them, but I loved memorizing them and their formulas.

I felt sleep slowly take over my body and mind, and before I knew it I was out cold. I was not surprised at all. It had definitely been a long day.

"Hurry up, princess! We only have 20 minutes before breakfast is over!" I heard someone shout beside me. I could also feel that someone was shaking my shoulder aggressively.

I groaned in response to the action, and tried to roll over in the other direction. I was too tired to deal with this. I just wanted to continue sleeping.

"Seriously, Juliet! Do you not want to eat a proper meal before your first real day at school? You need the energy or you'll get moody." They started shaking me again. "That or you'll starve to death before you even make it to DADA at the end of the day!" Maggie yelled, now trying to pull me out from under my covers.

"Alright. Stop it. I'm up." I grumbled as I shot up off of the bed, shooting daggers at her as we made eye contact for the first time today.

"Easy there, tiger," she said as she threw her hands up in defense. My gaze must have scared her. "I'm just trying to be a good friend here." She began to back away from my bed, acting like I would pounce on her at any second.

I rolled my eyes at her and got out of bed. I put on the same outfit I wore almost every other day at school. White button up, short black skirt, black knee high socks, a slytherin tie, and black shoes. I threw on some quick mascara, not feeling like going to great depths to do my makeup. I look naturally pretty without much of it anyway. I brushed my hair and teeth swiftly, ready to leave the room. I took a quick glance in the mirror, and decided that I looked decent enough.

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