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I sat across from Draco with my arms across my chest. I stared out the window as we sat at a booth on the train, keeping our distance from most of the others as we headed home.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked him suddenly. Our conversations had been kept to a minimum this morning. Blaise hadn't had much to say to either of us as he was still processing the new information he held.

"About what?" He mumbled as he spun one of his rings on the counter top. He knew what I was talking about, and if I were being honest, I was kind of angry deep down.

"You leaving school. Why didn't you tell me?" I asked him seriously as I looked over at his guilty face. "Do I just have to stay there alone? Do I get to leave, too?" I asked. He let out a long sigh as he brought the spinning ring to a stop with his palm.

"I was already so worried about you, I didn't want to see your true reaction and make myself feel worse. But I know I can't leave you here when stuff like last night is going to happen. That's why I asked for help." He admitted as he looked up at me through his lashes as he kept his head down.

"So, what? You were just going to ditch me? Just up and leave? When did you plan on telling me?" I asked him as sass started to take over my tone.

"Jules, relax. It's not a big deal." He muttered as he reached his hand out for mine. I kept my arms crossed as I stared at him. "It won't be for long. I was going to tell you before I had to leave. I'll come back to you as soon as I can." He promised me as he continued reaching for my hand. I gave in as I reached across and placed my palm in his.

He smirked at me successfully, knowing I would give in to him like I always had. He rubbed the back of my hand gently with his thumb before he started speaking again.

"I wouldn't leave you here if it wasn't safe. I know it's been a rough year, but I have work I need to take care of, and it's honestly safer for you at school than for you to go with me." He explained. "Trust me, sweetheart. I'd never put you in harms way." He gave me a sweet smile as he spoke. I stood from my seat as he gave me a confused look. I plopped myself down on the seat beside him and nuzzled into his side.

"Awe, just can't resist me, can you?" He teased as he wrapped his arm around me. I tried my best to contain my smile and keep my angry face, but it wasn't much use.

"Shut up." I mumbled under my breath as I crossed my arms once again. He chuckled lowly before he poked at my sides in a ticklish manner. I grabbed his hand harshly and glared at him. "I will hurt you, stop it." I spat at him. He laughed a little more as he readjusted his hand and grabbed mine instead.

"I like 'em feisty." He teased lowly. I scoffed once as I threw his hand away from mine. "You're a bit touchy today, aren't you?" He asked as his humor didn't subside.

"You drive me crazy." I told him honestly. He wasn't wrong though. I had been moody since we woke up this morning.

"Can I cheer you up when we get home?" His voice trailed off as he snaked his hand across my lap and towards my inner thigh. I nodded my head as I stared at him, missing his touch so much. It was harder for us to sneak off and do things anymore at school. I couldn't wait for the endeavors we would have in the next few weeks when we could be alone. "Mmm, I like when you're hungry, too." He winked at me. I rolled my eyes once as I laid my head against his shoulder to rest.

"Do you have everything?" Draco asked me as we stood on the platform. I nodded once as I looked around at the trunks that sat on the ground. "Okay. Your parents will be at your manor when you get there. I'll probably see you late tonight." He huffed as he picked up his trunk.

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