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I can just never catch a break anymore. Just when my life seemed to have had something good in it, it had to get twisted and flipped around once again.

Screaming. Crying. This is the first time in about a week that this has happened. My friends were growing impatient, not wanting to deal with my hysterical episode in the early hours of the morning... or the late hours of the night?

"For the love of Merlin, I can't take it anymore!" Maggie shouted as she got up off of my bed. "Nothing is working! She just won't relax!" She whined as she tugged the roots of her hair in frustration.

"Well, it's not her fault she's been having nightmares! All we can do is try and help her!" Dani yelled back as my sobs didn't seem to stop.

"That's the thing! Nothing helps her! She refuses to see Madame Pomfrey again even though it helped her the last time! There just isn't much else we can do for her!" Maggie yelled, waving her hands around to bring more attention to me sitting in front of her.

Suddenly, she rushed over and grabbed my arm without any warning. Aria and Dani looked at her in confusion as Maggie was a little too annoyed with the situation.

"What are you doing?" Aria shouted as Maggie dragged me off of my bed.

"Getting us some peace!" She shouted back as she rushed the two of us to the door. She opened it with an aggressive tug of the handle and stuck me out in the dark hallway.

"I'm sorry. You need to calm yourself down. Go sit in the common room or something. I can't take this anymore." Maggie said as she shut the door in my face.

Ouch. Bitch.

I tried muffling my sobs so that the entire dungeon wouldn't hear me, but it wasn't doing me much good. Maggie's treatment towards me only made fresh tears flow even quicker down my face as she had hurt my feelings.

I started making my way down the stairs towards the common room with my head down and my feet dragging. When I reached the bottom of the stairs I noticed a pair of slippers step into my path, stopping right in front of me.

I looked up, afraid of who was about to see me like this, and surprisingly felt some relief wash through me. At least it wasn't a total stranger. That would've been too embarrassing.

"Hey," Draco began, looking at me with worry in his eyes. He grabbed onto my shoulders and started to study me, it seemed like. He was trying his best to figure out what was wrong with me.

The sight of him made a sob break out of my lips. He kept a hold of me and dragged me across the room to the couch.

"Juliet, relax. Try to breathe." He told me as we sat on the couch. He sounded like he was panicking. Is he panicking? Or am I panicking? Which is making me think he's also panicking?

I'm not sure anymore. I can hardly even think straight. I couldn't listen to him begging me to calm down, and I could feel my cheeks growing numb from the lack of air my lungs were dragging in. I just looked at him with probably the most pitiful look on my face as I cried and sobbed and made myself dizzy in my fit of misery.

"Merlin, I hate seeing you cry." He mumbled as he put his elbows on his knees, resting his face in his hands for a second to think. He rubbed his face quickly, like he was trying to get his frustration out.

He suddenly turned towards me, wrapping an arm around my shoulders awkwardly and pulling me into his side so I could cry into his neck instead of the open common room. The smell of mint and expensive cologne suddenly filled my nostrils as I took in a deep breathe, trying to relax.

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