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I continued throwing up nothing but liquids, barely anything left in my system after the long morning I've had. Draco held my hair back out of the way as he sat beside me, rubbing my back gently.

I had been sick for hours, barely getting any sleep as Draco and I had to spent half of our night on my bathroom floor. I think I managed to squeeze in about an hours worth before I was begging him to carry me to the bathroom as quick as he could.

"How come you aren't sick? I think you drank more than me," I whined, holding my stomach tightly as I laid myself back down in his lap where I had spent the past 4-5 hours.

"I don't know how true that is," he laughed lightly, laying his head back against the wall with his eyes closed. "I don't tend to get sick. Strong stomach I guess." He shrugged. Lucky son of a bitch.

I closed my eyes, my throbbing headache not letting up. Draco grabbed the cup of water off of the floor and held it in front of me. I sat up slowly, drinking the entire thing.

"I feel so sick." I whispered, tired of the amount of times I had thrown up. My throat was raw and my stomach was so sore from forcing everything up so frequently.

Draco pulled my body up more, laying my head on his shoulder to rest. He pulled my legs up over his own and picked me up and sat me in his lap. I winced once, wishing I could get rid of this horrendous feeling.

"Shhh." Draco hated to hear the groans and whimpers of my pain. "Do you want to get food?" He asked quietly, rubbing the back of my neck softly. It tickled my skin, causing me to shiver at his touch. I hid my face in the crook of his neck, eliminating all of the light in the small room. I shook my head softly, not wanting to think about any type of food right now.

"Oh, come on," he teased, "not even a grilled cheese sandwich? I know it's your favorite." He lightly poked at my sides, tickling me slightly. I let out a few weak giggles as his fingers brushed against my baggy sweatshirt.

"Is everyone else going?" I grumbled, not wanting be to be left out if they were, but not wanting to leave the dorm either. He shrugged his shoulders once, not knowing an answer.

"We can ask, come on," he sat me on the floor gently, pulling me up by my hands after he stood. He grabbed my tooth brush off of the counter and started brushing my teeth for me as I leaned against the countertop for support. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to make the room darker.

I buried my head in his chest instantly after I spit the toothpaste out, now using his body for support as the dizziness took over. I let out a sad groan, the aching in my stomach increasing while my tired brain could hardly function.

"Shhh, it's okay. Just please don't throw up on me," Draco chuckled, rubbing the back of my hair delicately. I ignored his statement completely as I wrapped my arms around his neck, standing up on my tippy toes to reach.

Draco put his hands on the back of my thighs, picking me up gently and carrying me out of the bathroom. I let my body relax against his completely, enjoying that I didn't have to do anything while he took care of me.

He sat me in the bed carefully, grabbing some type of vial from the top of the nightstand. He went to the bathroom and got me another water, bringing it back so I could take the medicine and wash down the horrible after taste. I could hardly open my eyes from all of the pain I felt.

Draco placed a pair of sunglasses on my face, chuckling at the sight in front of him. I probably looked like the verge of death, my hair thrown messily all over the place, still in my pajamas from last night. I started laughing, too, trying to imagine how I looked right now.

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