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My mother laid in my bed with me, softly rubbing my head. I had been home for a little over a week. I hadn't heard from anyone at Hogwarts recently, so I wasn't 100% sure how things were going without being there.

The Daily Prophet had said that Umbridge was attempting to reform Hogwarts as High Inquisitor. I cringed at the sight of her on the paper, not missing her at all. I could only imagine the things she was enforcing during her power march. The ministry should see that she is absolutely mad, but apparently they don't mind it one bit as long as there's order.

I would have to see her in action for myself in just a few short days. My time at home was coming to an end, unfortunately. I told my parents all about Umbridge and how crazy she was, not like there was anything they could do though.

I tried showing them my hand and how she had punished me twice, leaving the scar behind. They weren't mad at Umbridge, however, but me. They didn't like that I had been causing such trouble at school. That's why they didn't even question my emotional outburst that sent me home. They thought I was finally off of the deep end.

My parents said I was ruining my reputation. That people weren't going to like me if I continued to act the way I was. They loved the sweet, nice, loyal girl that I had been before Draco managed to soil my behavior.

Surely, they were unaware of the reasons behind my actions. They didn't know about us. Continued to think he was so perfect.

I didn't feel like the old me anymore though. I liked the girl who had a dark side to things. The mean one. The one who didn't have to care about anything or pleasing anyone. I liked getting a reaction out of other people. It was like it was a part of me all along, and I just now let it out.

Maybe it's our bloody family history. They're followers of the Dark Lord, after all.

"I think I'm ready to go back to school." I finally sighed. I had been doing all of my work from home, sending it back forth everyday by owl. Surely, Duke was exhausted from all the travels by now.

"You seem better already," my mother smiled, I'm sure she's just saying that to make herself feel better. "You really had us worried when you first got here."

"Madame Pomfrey thought I was depressed." I admitted to her. "I think I was, too. But you and father always make me happy. I just needed to refresh. Now, I'll get a fresh start." I smiled. I was lying to myself. This wasn't a fresh start.

"So," I started talking again, "have you been busy with work when you haven't been taking care of me? Like, while I was back at school?" I asked her. I turned my head to look up at her.

"Some what." She gave me a light smile. "We were with the Malfoy's most days, but we stopped going when you came home. They were worried about you as well. Wanted us to help you get better. Narcissa wanted to come with us to care for you at one point. She was a nervous wreck, you would've thought it was Draco the school was concerned about." She chuckled, following it with a slight sigh.

"I am better." I told her, looking back down at my fingers. "I'll be okay."

I carried my trunk back into the common room entrance, preparing to make my way to my dorm. It was late. No one should be up around this hour, meaning I'd be able to sneak to my dorm without worry of facing them. As soon as I stepped through the wall I almost ran into someone. I looked up at who it was and was met with a familiar silver gaze.

Of fucking course he's awake.

I completely ignored it and continued walking forward. The rest of the common room was empty just as I suspected it would be.

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