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"Bloody hell." I mumbled, jolting up from my sleep. I bit down on the neck of my t-shirt, trying to muffle my groans in pain. I didn't want to wake Draco who laid next to me, still sound asleep.

It was still dark outside, meaning that it was way earlier than I was used to waking up. The clock over the fireplace read 4:38 a.m.

You have 10 minutes. Be in the foyer. Make it quick. Wear something pretty.

I covered my ears as Voldemort was in my head. Draco was right. So much for occlumency. I could hardly keep him out anymore, even if I wanted to. He was stronger now. More powerful. I didn't stand a chance.

I quickly got up from my bed, throwing on a short skirt, black button up, knee high socks, and a pair of platforms. I put on some nice earrings, and got ready to head to my bathroom.

"What are you doing?" Draco's voice made me jump slightly, covering my chest. I looked over at him as he sat up in the bed. His messy hair was sticking up as he rubbed one of his eyes lightly.

"Duty calls." I told him quietly, walking over to the bed and leaving a quick kiss on his lips. "Go back to sleep. I'll be back soon." I rubbed his cheek, giving him a reassuring smile.

"Where are you going?" He asked me, worry in his tired eyes. They were slightly swollen from all the crying he had done the night before.

"I don't know." I lied to him. "I have to hurry, I'm running out of time." I huffed, looking up at the clock. 4:44 a.m.

"Please be safe." He told me in a serious voice. "I love you so much." He gave me another quick kiss.

"I will be, I promise." I gave him a soft smile. "I love you." I kissed his forehead quickly. "Go back to sleep."

He laid down at my words, exhaustion taking over his body as his head hit the pillow. I ran into the bathroom, quickly brushing my teeth and running a hairbrush through my straight hair. I flipped my head over, throwing my long blonde hair up into a high ponytail with a black scrunchie. I threw on mascara as quickly as I could and ran out to my room.

I grabbed my wand and stuck it in the waistband of my skirt. I opened my bedroom door and sprinted down the hallway, knowing I had to be in the foyer soon. I put my hand under the collar of my shirt as I ran down the steps, holding onto Draco's ring tightly. I was scared. I had never had to do anything like this before. Especially without Draco with me to make sure I was okay. 

Please, protect me.

I released the necklace when I saw everyone at the bottom of the stairs. I gave Bella a smile, this being the first time I had seen her in days.

"Julie!" She chuckled softly. "I heard I missed quite the show yesterday. Sorry about that." She laughed, not seeing anything wrong with how the Dark Lord had treated me at his 'meeting'. I faked a laugh, pretending like her comment didn't bother me.

"You did, indeed." I chuckled, ready to get this show on the road. I looked at the others who would be joining us. I recognized them from the astronomy tower, but I still didn't know most of their names. Some faces even looked newer.

"Let's go." Bellatrix smirked, ready to reek havoc at any second. I nodded my head, wanting to get this over with. "Apparation 101," she told me quickly, causing my eyes to pop out of my head. Draco had just learned the bloody spell, how on earth did she think I was going to use it?

"I can't apparate!" I protested, cutting her off. "I'm not even of age!" I shook my head in disbelief.

"Honey, you killed the most renowned wizard around..." Bellatrix told me like I was an imbecile. "I think using underage magic is the least of your worries." She chuckled. I gulped slightly, not liking that she spoke the truth.

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