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I finished using a charm with my wand to curl my hair and applying some finishing touches to my basic makeup. My friends all sat on their beds getting ready for today's quidditch match as well.

I took some clothes to the bathroom to change and shut the door behind me. I put on a pair of sheer black tights and a short black skirt to go over the top. I put on a black button up shirt, and slipped Draco's warm sweater over my head, pulling my shirt collar out of the top. I put on a black headband to hold my hair back out of my face, and made my way out to my dorm to get some shoes.

As I was looking under my bed for my black leather boots, I heard Aria clear her throat right beside me. I didn't think anything of it until I heard her do it a second time, making this one more dramatic. I looked up at her in confusion.

"So," she began once I finally made eye contact with her, "are you going to tell us where you got yours from?" She let a giggle slip from her smug expression.

I stood up straight with my boots in my hand and flashed her an even more confused look as I sat down on top of my bed. I didn't know what she was talking about.

"What?" I asked as I slipped the shoes on and sat up straight, considering my boots were shoe-laceless. She pointed her finger down to a sweater she had on that almost resembled mine perfectly, only it appeared to be a slightly different in design. It looked like it had been from a different year or something.

"Except, my sweater is from Blaise... because I wouldn't have a quidditch sweater..." she chuckled, "so, where'd you get yours?" She asked with a smirk on her lips, already knowing the answer before I gave it.

I let out an annoyed sigh, not wanting to get into this today. Dani and Maggie were giggling now to, wanting to hear the answer that I would give.

"Friends can wear things to support their friends in their extracurricular activities." I said, avoiding eye contact with her as I put lipgloss on in my mirror.

"Yeah, and I'm just wearing my Slytherin scarf, not someone else's sweater." Dani laughed, agreeing with Ari on the topic.

"Well, maybe you should find one then. They're quite comfortable." I said, squinting my eyes as I turned back around to finally face them.

Maggie laughed at the interaction going on around the room before letting out a feline-like growl, hinting that it was a cat fight. Dani and Ari put their hands up in defense, knowing they weren't going to win with me in this battle. If anything they would just piss me off more and I would start a real argument.

"Let's just get going," Maggie said, heading for the door. Thankfully she put an end to the conversation before things got too out of hand. The other three of us followed behind her as she opened the door and walked down the stairs.

We were approaching the arena when I could see the two groups of players in their own respective huddles outside. It was obvious that they were just waiting for all of the students to find their seats so the match could begin begin. I spotted Cedric in the small group of Hufflepuffs, and I saw him wave me over to him.

"I'm going to wish Cedric good luck, will you guys save me a seat?" I asked my friends as we continued walking in.

"Of course we will," Dani answered, and with that I ran over to the group of players to talk to Cedric.

"Hey!" I said in excitement as I jumped up and wrapped my arms around his neck. If I was truly being honest, I just wanted to reignite that spark I once had...

"Woah-" he said as he stumbled backwards a little, catching me in the process, "someone seems excited to see me." He wrapped his arms around me firmly and gave me a squeeze before placing me on the ground and released me from his grasp.

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