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It was imprinted in my brain. The feeling. The images. The sensation.

Like a hot iron had branded my skin, burned me alive, left a smell of burning flesh to gag over, and then ditched me there to suffer with the healing process.

Draco hadn't spoken a word to me since he removed himself from the couch last night and left me behind in the library when he heard my final statement. A sentence he wanted me to say, but one that he also hadn't prepared himself to believe just yet. I know that it's for the best that we took space this morning to recoup, but I wondered how long this hurt would go on.

Because let me tell you... it's fucking unbearable.

"Did you have a good time last night?" My mother asked me as we stood with one another on a balcony of the second floor. One that overlooked the Malfoy's garden that was starting to blossom in the spring air.

Excitement filled me as I thought about my night with Draco, but they squashed themselves just as fast. That was one thing that I wasn't used to doing. Ridding myself of the euphoric sensation that he made course through my body without trying...

"Yes. I had a wonderful time." I smiled at her. I'm a horrible liar.

"So, are you and Draco close friends?" My mother asked me, hardly able to contain the smile that was creeping on to her lips. I sucked in a harsh breath. 

"Um. We're friends. I don't think we really like each other like that. That's kind of gross." I giggled awkwardly.

"Maybe one day you guys will come around." She laughed. "I think your father would approve of him." She smirked, trying to drop hints that she wanted us to be together.

"Dad wouldn't approve of any boy. I think Malfoy would only get an exception because of his namesake." I nodded once while I acted like I wasn't interested. That's something I'm about to get really good at. Pretending. "Are you sure it's not you who wants us together or something?" I laughed to get the attention away from me. I tucked my hair behind my ear to try and stop it from blowing in the breeze.

"I love him." She blurted out. "Seriously, I have seen him grow for a few years now— the past year more than ever— and I just think he is wonderful. He is just the sweetest little guy." She gave a loving look like a mother talking of her own child.

Great. This just made me feel even worse.

We were thankfully interrupted by a knock on the balcony door. The Malfoy house-elf had come outside to greet us, bowing his head to avoid eye contact.

"Waltz hates to interrupt, but Master says I is to retrieve the girl. We will be leaving now." He never looked up at us before he disapparated.

"Well, I guess I'll be seeing you around." I sighed as I wrapped my arms around my mother's torso.

"You'll see me soon, sweetheart. Don't worry about it." I could hear the smile in her voice as she rubbed my back softly.

I walked into the manor and made my way down to the front door. My father was already there with Lucius and Draco while he waited to say goodbye to me. Lucius was talking with Draco with a serious look on his face and both of them continued nodding their heads every once in a while in agreement. I wondered what he was telling him about now. Was it more secretive information? Because he sure as hell seemed perfectly comfortable dumping this shit on his 14 year old. A little too comfortable.

I let myself hold on to my father a little longer this time around. I wondered how much longer is have for him to be his normal self. For all I knew, every thing could change the next time I see him.

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