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"I still don't understand why you'd want to go alone. You can have anyone in the school, and you would rather go by yourself." Maggie said in astonishment as she zipped the back of my satin red dress. "What are you playing? Hard to get or something?" She chuckled, not understanding my logic.

"Something like that." I said as I stared at the dress in the mirror, smoothing out all of the wrinkles. I picked up my red lipstick from the vanity in front of me and applied it.

"Ari, are you almost ready?" I shouted across the dorm room, hoping she'd hear me from inside of the bathroom.

"Yes, just a moment!" I heard her yell back from behind the closed door. We were supposed to meet Blaise in the common room in the next 5 minutes. He had said he wanted to escort both of us so I didn't feel so lonely.

If anything, I honestly think that makes all of this more embarrassing, but he wouldn't take 'no' for an answer. I was perfectly fine attending this dinner party alone. I didn't care that I could have any boy in the castle. I didn't want them.

"I'm ready. Let's go." Aria said in a rush as she walked out of the bathroom. She had on a dark blue short dress that I had never seen her wear before, but I loved it.

"Okay, queen." Dani said as she looked her up and down. I let out a light chuckle.

"Let's go." I told her as I extended my hand out, waiting for her to take it. We walked out of the dorm room together and made our way down the steps.

Blaise stood in the common room, casually leaned back against one of the high top tables as he fiddled with his fingers. He looked up at us when he heard our heels on the stone steps, causing a smile to spread on his face.

"Hello, Mr. Zabini." I said in a sophisticated voice. "Pleasure running into you on this fine evening." I joked. He looked handsome, I couldn't deny it. The all black suit he had on was definitely my taste. However, I preferred how it looked on his best friend.

"Haha so funny." He joked back as he kissed Aria on the cheek warmly. "I would just like to say that I feel like a million bucks. Not only do I get to walk in with one... but TWO pieces of arm candy! People are going to think I'm THE guy." He laughed. Aria stomped on his foot aggressively. "Ow!" He cried out in pain as he grabbed his dress shoe with his hand.

"That's my best friend! That's so weird, don't say that!" She scolded him. "What? Do you want me telling Malfoy that I think he's good looking? Would that make you feel good?" She asked him, trying to prove a point. I laughed at both of their behavior, but felt jealousy rush through my veins.

I know other girls actually think about Draco in a romantic way. Everyone always did throughout the years. He was hard to get. Dashing. Had the wealth factor. And some girls liked his toxic personality, but he was mine.

But he's not. Not anymore.

"Let's get going before we are late." I said in between my laughs. Blaise hooked arms with both of us, one on each side, and led us out of the common room.

We walked through the empty halls, mine and Aria's heels being one of the few noises you could hear apart from our random conversations. Everyone else was already in their dorm for the evening or at the party.

The sound of something hitting the floor in an empty hallway next to us grabbed my attention as we walked past. I stopped in my tracks and walked a few steps backwards to re-examine it, dragging them along with me.

"Did you hear that?" I whispered, fear slightly lingering in my words. "I thought heard something."

"Oh my goodness, Jules." Blaise poked fun at me, his voice much louder than mine. "You sound like a scaredy cat. There's nothing even there." He laughed. "Probably Sir Nicholas if anything. This place is lingering with ghosts."

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