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The champions each sprinted into a large maze in front of us. If someone got in trouble and couldn't find their way out, they were supposed to shoot a red flare into the sky, indicating that they were out of the competition and forfeit. I held my breath as I watched them enter, hopeful that it would end in my favor.

"I'm kind of nervous you guys. What if something happens to them?" I said. The tension in my stomach growing as I watched them run into the darkness. It was later in the evening now, meaning the maze was probably almost pitch black, and I couldn't shake the feeling in my gut that told me something was wrong.

"This is probably the easiest one they've done yet! All they have to do is find their way out. The only challenge against them is time. What's the worst that could even happen? Someone gets lost? That's literally the whole point." Blaise yelled back at me, not understanding why I was so worried. The worst part about this was that you couldn't see anything happening in there to know what was going on.

"So, are you and Diggory in love again?" Dani asked, wiggling her eyebrows. "I'm sure he had wonderful things to say." She teased. I scoffed at her question and shot her a warning look. I couldn't even imagine liking Cedric anymore.

"No, we most certainly are not." I replied harshly. "I just think I've reached a point where we could be friends again." I said with a shrug. I felt indifferent towards the boy. It had been long enough that I felt like Cedric and I could just move on, but I didn't need anything else from him. I couldn't ignore Draco as he let out a scoff beside me.

"What's wrong, Malfoy? Cat got your tongue?" Maggie teased when she noticed the noise he had made. He wasn't trying to hard to hide his disapproval either.

"No has my tongue. I'll state my opinion whether it's asked for or not— I'm sure you already know that." He said with a laugh. "I just can't believe I beat his ass for nothing. Ruined my face for weeks to try and be a decent person for once, and now I see why I never do these things for people." He said with a scowl on his face while his head shook with disappointment.

"Well, it wasn't really for nothing." Dani tried defending me. "It was a nice thing to do for Jules when she needed it. I bet if she needed you to beat him up right now, you would do it again because that's what good friends do." She laughed, thinking she made a good point.

"Of course I would beat him silly again if she needed it. Because you're right— that is what friends do. However, she's friends with him again after all the shit he said about her... so I would say it was for nothing. Obviously her definition of friendship isn't he one most people use, and she has no sense in her brain." Draco laughed as he talked about me like I wasn't sitting there.

"Okay, can we please stop talking about me?!" I shouted at all of them. They all avoided the conversation rather quickly, knowing that Draco had finally sent me over the edge.

The crowd grew very bored quickly. We hadn't gotten any updates in a long time, and it didn't seem like it would be picking up pace anytime soon.

"Well, this is really anticlimactic." Blaise said, causing most of us to chuckle. We all were growing tired of the waiting, and wanted some excitement to happen.

"Do we think anyone's close to reaching the end?" Dani asked with a long sigh. Her arms were crossed over her chest as she stared straight ahead with a tired expression— a look that all of us carried as well.

"Not a chance." Draco said with a shake of his head. A red flare went off in to the sky as the words left his mouth.

"Shit. Who thinks they're out of the bet?" Blaise asked, looking at all of us with pity on his face.

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