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I paced back and forth in my bedroom as a million different thoughts and emotions ran through my head. This had been going on for a couple of hours. I'd cried a few times, screamed into the pillows, thrown a few things to take out my anger. 

I think I'm going fucking mad. 

Draco Lucius, you will be the death of me.

That ferret needed to just let me live my life in peace. We both know that we can't be together because it would create vulnerabilities that we can't afford to have. We accepted that challenge weeks ago. Why would he need to do something so stupid, and hurt me all over again? Was the necklace really necessary?

It had to be around midnight by now. There was no clock in here, so I wasn't exactly sure. I had already taken a shower for the night, washed off my makeup, and changed into some comfortable clothes.

I'm so pissed off I could kill someone. I had already taken the necklace off and put it back in the box that it came in. I was debating on if I should even keep it or return it to him. I knew it was a gift, but it didn't feel right to accept something so grand from him if we weren't even speaking to one another.

I picked the box up off of the desk in the corner of the room and made my way to the door. This is where things may get a little ugly... I opened it slowly, looking out into the hallway to see if anyone was around. Surely our parents are already asleep. I stormed across the hallway to his bedroom, my footsteps striking the floor being the only noise echoing through the long corridor.

I jiggled the locked doorknob harshly. At this rate, if I had my wand on me, I'd just have unlocked it myself without any permission. I didn't want to knock because I was worried that it would be too loud of a noise and would draw our parents attention from their rooms down the hall. After a few seconds of waiting I finally heard the door unlock from the other side.

The door slowly started to open, but I pushed through harshly, allowing myself to enter. The door had struck him a little before he moved out of the way, and I enjoyed it. My veins started to crave a sensation to bring him more pain like he had brought me. I stormed past him as I made my way into his room— a place I had never actually gotten a chance to see before this.

And fucking hell— did it smell so fucking good. My throat tightened up with the dry feeling in it, and my stomach started to churn once more now that I had forced myself to face him. I walked myself right into a trap. This was a mistake. I looked around, trying to calm down, but that's when those loud thoughts in my brain started to take over like a flipped switch.

"No. Not now." I silently pleaded with myself. My eyes pinched shut for the slightest second in hope that my thoughts would clear. 

His giant poster bed sat in the middle of the room. Black duvet and sheets on top, already a mess from him laying in them before I had interrupted his evening. He had giant bookshelves lining the wall beside his bed, thousands of books filling them. Across from his bed was a large desk. His wand and books— already opened— laid on top of the wooden surface. His walls were black, the floor a dark wood. It was so simple— but so undeniably Draco.

I walked over to his desk after a second of taking in the room and put the black box down on top of it. My lungs inhaled a shaky breath to calm myself before I choked up the courage to spit out words.

"I can't take this." I rushed, and turned back around to make my way out the door. A strong, athletic arm halted across my chest to bring me to a stop. I stared at the exit, longing for it, but he blocked me from getting any farther. My breathing my heavy against his bicep, but still, I refused to look at him beside me. I couldn't look at him, because I was so afraid of what I'd see if I did. 

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