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"I'm really sorry for what I said. You know I didn't mean it, right?" Aria asked, worry in her voice as she wrapped one of her arms around my shoulder. We had hardly spoken since the train ride yesterday, and she was trying to make up for it with me.

"Of course I know that." I said in a flat voice, my gaze still turned forward. I was still angry, but I knew I needed to let it go sooner or later. I can't be mad at her forever. She is my best friend.

"Jules, please stop being mad at me. It's starting to eat me alive." She whined, trying to get me to cheer up. I let out a long sigh. I looked at her as she made a goofy smile to try and cheer me up. I felt a small smile tug at the corners of my mouth at the sight. She started giggling, excited that I was finally starting to give in.

We walked into the potions classroom, where Maggie and Dani were already standing up front. Blaise stood off to the side with Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle as usual. We joined Maggie and Dani and waited on the other students to join us.

"Dammit." Maggie announced, gaining the attention of everyone around us. She pulled out a small bag and placed it in Dani's hand. Dani had a huge smirk on her face as she received the bag that obviously contained coins. Aria and I both looked at them in complete confusion.

"I said you'd make up this morning. Maggie claimed it wouldn't be until afternoon." Dani chuckled, shaking the bag of money in our faces. I lightly shoved her, making the other two giggle. Guess they'll do anything for some money. I wasn't that desperate.

"Can I get everyone's attention up front, please?" Professor Slughorn asked. We all stopped talking and looked at him. He started introducing us to the course, telling us the basics about the class and all we needed to know. We were interrupted when Potter and Weasley made their way into the room.

"Ah, Harry my boy! I was starting to worry." Slughorn told him. "And you've brought a friend I see." He looked at Ron who stood beside Harry. I felt a look of disgust cross my face as I looked at the two boys. Annoying little gits they are.

"Ron Weasley. I'm dead awful at potions. A menace- actually. So, I'm just gonna-" He told Slughorn as he tried leaving the room. Harry blocked the exit for him.

"Nonsense. We'll sort you out. Friend of Harry's is a friend of mine." I looked at Potter as he awkwardly stood there. His gaze met mine as well, holding it for a moment. I wondered if he knew what I saw yesterday on the train. Or he's staring at you because you were an absolute bitch for him at the end of last school year, and he can't stand you.

"Get your books out." Slughorn told them, turning back around to face the rest of us.

"I haven't gotten my book yet, actually. Neither has Ron." Harry stuttered out, finally breaking our eye contact. I looked back at Slughorn, waiting for his response to the boy.

"Don't you worry. Get what you want from the cubboard." Slughorn told him. "Now as I was saying; I prepared a few concoctions this morning. Any ideas what they may be?" He asked the group of us. Granger shot her hand up in the air, earning several eye rolls from the rest of us. Here we go.

"Yes, Miss...?" Slughorn waited for her name.

"Granger, sir." She told him.

She stepped up to take a look. She shouldn't need to step up, honestly. If she were truly as smart as she makes herself out to be, she'd be able to tell from back here. I could name each of these potions right now if I truly wanted.

"That one there is veritaserum. It's a truth telling serum. And that would be polyjuice potion. It's terribly tricky to make." She said as she walked along the table. "And this one-"

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