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I groaned as I sat up off of the bathroom floor, putting my head back in the toilet to throw up once more.

I'm never drinking again.

Ari handed me another large glass of water as she rubbed my head softly. She had been up with me most of the night, being sober enough to take care of me when I needed it most.

"Oh, Jules." She sighed, feeling pity for me as I laid back against the wall. "Maybe we should go get you some lunch or something." She told me. "It might actually make it better."

I slowly opened my eyes, the bright lights making my head hurt more than it already did. I nodded and held my hand out to her, asking for her help up. I groaned again as I walked to the sink and brushed my teeth. I spit the toothpaste into the sink and looked at myself in the mirror.

I didn't look that bad at all actually, just tired. The shower that Maggie stuck me in around 6:00 in the morning after I threw up all over myself had helped tremendously.

I walked back out into the room and opened my dresser drawers. I threw on Draco's old over sized sweatshirt that I had stolen last year over my sports bra and put on a pair of loose sweatpants with it. I threw my hair up in a messy bun and turned to looked at my friends.

"Let's go." I sighed, putting on a pair of sunglasses to block out some of the light that was burning my eyes. We walked through the common room and saw Blaise, Crabbe, and Goyle sitting on the large leather couch.

"We're getting lunch, you guys want to join?" Aria asked from across the room. I heard them agree, walking behind us as as we left the castle. They quickly caught up to us as we walked, their tall strides being much quicker.

"Look at this ray of sunshine." One of them said as they put their arm around me and rubbed the top of my head with their opposite fist.

"Hello, Goyle." I mumbled, too tired to give any emotion.

"Jules, I'm sorry." Blaise started laughing. "But you look so bad." Everyone else giggled with him. I turned and gave him the middle finger as I continued walking.

I pushed the door to the Three Broomsticks open and made my way to a table. I looked around and saw that some students had already found their way here for a meal. I let out a groan and plopped myself down in a seat. I crossed my arms on the table and laid my head down.

Everyone else chatted away while I laid there, sitting at the end of the table. No one bothered helping me. I order a grilled cheese sandwich, French fries, and a Vanilla Coke to try and put something back in my stomach.

I felt a tap on my shoulder causing me to look up. Slughorn smiled down at me, clearly under the influence himself. I sat up quickly, trying to make myself look more presentable. Although, with the messy hair, sunglasses, and sweatsuit that I was wearing, I'm not sure how much it worked.

Please don't notice my hangover.

"Hello, professor." I nodded my head at him, not removing my glasses.

"I wanted to congratulate you again on all of your work in my class. You are marvelous. I've never seen a worker like you!" He enthused, patting me on the back. I gave him a warm smile, my friends all sitting in silence as they watched us. "And I've had some of the greatest wizards in my class. Snape was marvelous in his day as well. I had a.. few others, too." He trailed off, looking like he didn't want to finish his sentence.

"Thank you, sir. I appreciate that." I nodded my head again. He perked up once more and continued.

"I have dinner parties for some of the top students in my class. I want you to join me, obviously. I want to bring the tradition back." He told me. "You as well, Mr. Zabini!" He chirped, raising a glass to Blaise who just nodded and smiled in return.

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