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"Do you guys want to go out this evening?" I asked my friends, hoping they had been just as bored this week as I had. This year had felt like it was dragging along so far.

"Maybe." Dani shrugged, picking at her pork chop that was in front of her on her plate. The rest of them didn't really give an answer.

"Come on! Aren't you guys bored?" I asked them, trying to convince them that it would be fun. They gave me an unsure look.

"I'm kind of tired, actually." Maggie huffed. I looked at her in shock.

"Nope! Not taking that for an answer." I said as I pushed my plate away from me. "We are doing something. All of you just need to decide what it is and let me know." I told them, standing up from my seat at the table. "I'm going to go shower, I feel disgusting." I sighed.

I made my way out of the great hall and walked through the empty halls. I was the only one around. Most students probably already had plans for their Friday evening by now, or they were eating their dinner.

I heard the wall shifting beside me causing my eyes to look to my left. The door to the room of requirement was sitting next to me.

I don't require anything.

I stared at it in confusion as the door opened suddenly from the inside. I watched as Draco made his way out, looking paler than usual. The started to disappear when the door shut.

"You look like you've seen a ghost." I told him, causing him to jump from my voice in the silence.

"Merlin, Juliet." His hand came up to cover his chest. "Didn't your mother ever teach you manners?" He spat at me.

"Apparently just as much as yours did." I replied to him. His face was locked in an angry expression.

"I know the amortentia is said to cause an obsession with people, but I didn't actually believe it." He said, walking towards me as I stood in front of him. "What are you? Stalking me now or something?" He asked me.

"It causes an obsession if you drink it, you dim wit. Not if you smell it." I told him in an annoyed manner. "The door seriously just appeared next to me as I was walking. I didn't even need the room." I told him honestly. He scoffed at my answer.

"Please," he started, "it wouldn't have let me exit here if it knew that you were right outside the door and I didn't want anyone to find me. It's much smarter than that." He seethed at me, looking down at me as he towered over me. He was intimidating to most, but not to me. Not right now.

"Or the door just knew that I wouldn't have said anything in the first place and it didn't care if I saw you. It is smart, after all." I told him as I shrugged, trying to walk away.

I wanted to question him further. Ask why he needed to be in there in the first place, but I let it go.

I made my way to the dungeons, but I could hear him walking behind me the entire way. I pulled my wand out and let myself in, Draco stepping in right after me.

"Where are you going?" Draco asked me, his voice still harsh. I looked back at him in confusion. Since when does he care what I do anymore?

"To shower...?" I told him, but it came out as more of a question.

Draco looked around the empty common room before he pulled his wand out, placing it against my neck. The motion didn't even bother me. I knew he didn't have the guts to do anything to me. He'd hurt himself before he let me get hurt.

I slowly started laughing at his actions. I couldn't help it. Did he seriously think I was scared of him?

"Draco, knock it off." I laughed, trying to shove his wand away from me.

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