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"I'm impressed." I told Draco as he unlocked the front door to my manor. "You actually managed to get us here without killing us." I chuckled, shoving him into the house in a playful manner when he had opened the door.

He looked back at me fake annoyance, not liking my statement towards him. I giggled more, enjoying the reaction I had gotten from him. I shut the door and locked it behind me like my father had requested before we left the Malfoy's.

"I'll have you know, I'm still right on your heels when it comes to wizarding. Who knows, maybe I've passed you by now." He shrugged as he walked farther into the foyer. "I spent plenty of time in my own thoughts this year. Just because I wasn't in class doesn't mean I wasn't learning." He said confidently.

I chuckled, my face scrunching up as I followed behind him, walking through my house. I wondered what kind of things he would've even been able to have learned in the time he was away from me this school year.

I thought that bloody cabinet took up all his time, how on earth would he have had a chance to learn anything else?

"Well, it did. That doesn't mean I didn't take any breaks to learn a thing or two." He said out of no where, causing me to stop in my tracks.

I didn't even say anything.

"Didn't need to," he said casually, turning to look at me with a smirk on his face. "Like I said, I'm much smarter than you seem to think. I don't know why you always act like I'm not the brightest. Once upon a time, I was ahead of you in school." He chuckled at my reaction. "Might not want to keep leaving your guard down so easily." He winked. My mouth hung open softly as I realized what he was doing to me.

"Legilimency." I breathed in astonishment. Not that I should be that shocked since I already knew the skill myself. I laughed at him for a moment before I spoke up again. "You are just a bag of mysteries sometimes." I stated as I walked towards him, pushing past him so that I was the one leading the way.

"Wait a damn minute." I stopped, turning to look at him. "How did you never- not even once- see in my head that I was also working for the Dark Lord?" I asked him, not understanding how I managed to get away with it if he could've entered my thoughts at any moment.

"Yeah, I've been asking myself that one, too." He stated in annoyance. "Everytime I have been in your head you've just had sweet thoughts about me." He let out a single laugh, his face turning red slightly. "Not that I don't enjoy hearing them, because I love the attention, believe me. I guess I just got so distracted towards the end of our time at school that I stopped looking." He shrugged. "I've only been able to do it for a few weeks, and even then I hadn't really perfected it." He brushed it off.

I made a surprised face before I turned back around and walked into the kitchen, Draco following right behind me. Darby sat at the table, her eyes widening when she noticed me.

"Miss Juliet!" She said quickly, "Darby has missed you!" She jumped off of the chair and approached me. We had bonded over winter break when we were here alone. She learned that she could trust me. However, she looked at Draco in an uneasy fashion.

"Darby, you remember Draco." I told her, motioning my hand towards him. He looked down at her with a straight face, not sure how to approach the subject. They weren't this kind to their elves, treating them the way my father treated Darby. Her look of unease didn't leave as she looked at me.

"Darby took the best care of me when my parents left me here alone all these years. Especially this winter when we spent our Christmas and New Year's together. Last summer when they were running around to help you she was the only one I had to talk to," I explained to Draco at I stared at her, talking highly of her so he would be nicer to her. She smiled bashfully as she looked at me, my words making her feel so loved.

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