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My sweet Juliet Grace,

I miss you more than I could ever even begin to describe. I feel like I have a gaping hole in my chest that just won't go away. I thought by now I'd feel better, but instead I feel like I'm just reliving the years that I pushed you away. Everything at home reminds me of you as well, and makes all of this feel so much worse.

I'm sorry to hear that you're lonely, sweetheart. I was hoping that you'd find a way to be okay without me, but I feel worse knowing that isn't true. I wish there was something more that I could do for you, love.

Things have been going... decent on my end. I suppose things could be much worse. I work most hours of the day, and have been running the nights, too. I'm tired and bored, but it's worth it if it means you don't have to do any of these tasks.

Nova is growing so quickly. I hope that sentence doesn't make you upset, perhaps I shouldn't have brought her up. Or maybe it'll make you feel better. I don't even know anymore. She eats like a little monster. Every time I think she's full, she scratches the bowl for hours until I refill it. She is only super cuddly at night when I let her join me in my bed, and she decides to curl up right under my chin. Any other time, you'd think I have her on drugs with how hyper she is.

Your mother and father miss you terribly. I can see it when they ask me fifty million questions about you and how you are holding up by yourself. I know they were never the best at writing letters to you, so I'll send their love in this one. My mother says that she thinks things will get better for you, and that it just takes time. That's silly advice to me. Time seems to make all of this worse, except for the fact that every minute past means another minute we are closer to a reunion. You don't have to listen to my mother. I never do.

My father hasn't said much about you, however he doesn't say much in general anymore. The Dark Lord has his panties in a twist and he acts like a little girl nowadays. It's kind of embarrassing if you'd ask me, but I guess I'm not really one to judge.

I really hate this. I don't like the work I'm doing. I don't care about the war. I don't even give a bloody fuck about Potter or his friends anymore. I want you.

I'm starting to think you were right all along. Maybe this life isn't the answer for us. It's hard thinking there could've been something better for us, but hopefully we can have that one day. That's all I seem to do anymore. Think about the what if's. You flood my thoughts constantly, and it's starting to drive me mad.

I hope you miss me as well. Think of me when you're cold and lonely in the common room on a chilly evening, and know that I'm thinking of you just the same at home.

When the sun stops shining, all the water in the world dries up, the flowers stop blooming, and the stars in the sky stop shining, I will still love you forever and a day. You're the world.

I love you, pretty girl. I'll see you soon.

-Draco <3

I sighed as I placed the letter in my lap. One of the many I had received since he had left. My tears had stopped weeks ago, but my sadness still felt like it was consuming every part of me. Narcissa was right. It takes time, and the wounds do heal. I just wished they would heal completely, but it would never happen until I was with Draco again.

School was so boring. Plus, I couldn't cling to Blaise forever for comfort, because I knew it made Aria angry. She was the jealous type for sure, and I completely understand the feeling. If it were her and Draco, my short temper would have already lashed out on them.

My nightmares continued each night, showing me the most random of things, and every time I was left with the image of the earrings I wore around. I couldn't sleep, and I was exhausted from the energy it took me to calm down. Blaise stayed in Aria's bed each night to attempt to do something, but like I already said: She's the jealous type, and I can't steal her boyfriend forever.

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