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"I really fucking hate the guy," Maggie grumbled as she looked towards the front of the dining hall and saw Amycus Carrow seated next to his sister.

"Is there are particular reason he picks on you all the time?" Dani asked as she sat her fork down. "I just want the truth. After this morning, there's been a lot of... talk." She said softly. Blaise choked on his food immediately, not expecting such questions to arise at dinner. Aria looked at him with a bewildered look while she beat on his back. Draco's fork also came to a halt as he stared at his plate, processing if he heard her right.

"I'm not the only one who did the assignment. Besides, the 3 unforgivables are literally legal now. The ministry fell, remember?" I pointed out. "I'm pretty sure the guy has serious drama going on with my father that goes back to their time at school." I lied quickly, not knowing what else to say. "Kind of like Snape and Potter's dad. I'm pretty sure these older Slytherins just have too much pride to get over their petty schoolboy drama." I shrugged it off, picking up another lamb chop from the plates in front of us. The girls exchanged looks with one another, uncertainty written across their faces.

Blaise, Draco, and I all ate our meal in silence, trying our best to act as casually as we could. It was awkward. My friends continued looking at me with curiosity, trying to read me and see if they could get more answers.

"Are you a death eater?" Maggie asked out of nowhere, causing everyone to gasp. Blaise faking his surprise, turning to look at me with a hand over his chest to fake insult as if he didn't know the truth.

"Maggie! We agreed we weren't going to ask!" Aria seethed at her, anger evident in her voice. Draco's hand found my inner thigh under the table, squeezing it slightly before he trailed his fingers across it delicately.

So they just sit there and talk about me behind my back? How long has that gone on?

"What kind of question is that?!" I asked, anger building within me. What made it really ironic was that despite the black ink that I knew stained my sleeve covered arm, I was offended like I truly was innocent.

But I'm not.

"Show me your arm then," Maggie insisted. I scoffed once as I shoved my plate away from me.

"This is ridiculous!" I protested, maybe coming off a bit too defensive. Maggie attempted to reach across the table and grab my arm to check for herself when Draco swatted her hand away harshly.

"Piss off, Wright!" Draco hissed loudly, pulling me into his side tightly.

"Oh my god," Aria said barely above a whisper as she watched Draco protect me. His overprotective behavior was what made everything too obvious. It was too late to take it back now. A heavy silence had fallen among the 6 of us.

Draco's breathing was growing as he filled with anger. Blaise looked at me in pity, trying to make me feel better, but his looks only made it worse.

"Show it to us." Aria said flatly as she didn't look into my eyes. It wasn't that my friends weren't on this side of the war. They were. However, the idea of residing with a Death Eater all this time, and having no idea was enough to scare the piss out of them. I was a liar and a fraud.

"Look you guys, I was a little freaked out at first, too, but honestly-"

"You knew?!" Aria shouted at Blaise, cutting him off as he was just trying to help. He looked at her with a guilty expression.

"Well, yeah, but-"

"He knew?!" Aria shouted at me with more offense in her tone, the attention of a few other people being grabbed now. In the other student's defense, it looked like a typical cat fight. And at the Slytherin table, they weren't uncommon, and they were always full of entertainment.

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