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My family and I sat at breakfast in silence. My father had invited the Malfoy's to stay with us for a couple of days until Draco and I returned to school. They haven't seen each other since our visit at the beginning of the month and decided it was finally time to get together again.

We only had about an hour to kill before they would arrive. I was dreading it. I had been living the Draco lifestyle for the past couple of weeks to my parents surprise. I have studied my ass off to get ready for school.

I have learned so many new things, it was ridiculous. Had I thought of doing this years ago, school probably would have been more enjoyable this entire time. I knew things I wasn't sure any wizard my age could even do. Not even Draco.

Occlumency. Thank Merlin for that one. My father quickly figured out I had gotten it down when he couldn't hear my thoughts anymore. He was so proud of me. Better yet, I had accidentally learned legilimency myself. That one I kept more of a secret.

It was awesome having this much power. I didn't even know what to do with it. I haven't had a nightmare since I had mastered it. I've finally figured out how to keep them out of my head. Occlumency, I owe you one.

"Well, I'm going to go study." I said, pushing my chair out from under the table.

"Aren't you going to stay until they arrive?" My mother asked. My father looked at me in confusion. He thought I was excited to see the Malfoy's. That I wanted them to visit us.

That was half true. I wouldn't mind seeing Narcissa again. Lucius wasn't necessarily on my bad list, just scary. Draco on the other hand, I could avoid for the rest of my life and not have a care in the world. I was completely over him. Ready for someone new.

"I'm sure they will understand. This means a lot to me, and they of all families understand the importance of academic excellence. I'll be sure to talk to them later." I told her. I quickly made my way out of the dining room before they could say anything else and ran up the stairs.

I ran into my room and shut the door behind me. My desk was already full of different text books, bookmarked with my new favorite things. I walked over to it and picked up my wand, fiddling with it in my hands.

Cedar wood with a unicorn hair core. 11 3/4".

I chuckled at the sight. Who would've ever thought that this little thing could do so much damage?

I sat at the desk and starting looking through my books. I couldn't wait to get back to school. Granger didn't know what was going to hit her, that was for sure. I was so excited to show off all the new things I had learned this summer.

That's when you know your life is sad. This is what you look forward to.

A knock on my door quickly brought me out of my thoughts. My eyes popped out of head at the sound. I slowly glanced over at the door, "hello?" I called out.

No one responded so I just assumed they had left. I slowly stood up from my desk chair and made my way over to the door. I reached for the knob and twisted it slightly. I pulled the door open and didn't see anyone outside.

"Took you long enough to answer." Someone blurted out, standing up off of the wall they were leaning against next to the door.

"Merlin." I gasped, my hand covering my chest. Draco stepped in front of my door way.

"Well, aren't you going to invite me in?" He questioned. He had on all black dress pants with a black button up. He had his black blazer looped on his finger and was holding it over his shoulder.

A little over dressed for the occasion.

"Why are you dressed like that?" I asked, confusion on my face as I looked his body up and down.

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