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"Surprised you asked me." I said in a stiff voice as we put our hands into the ready position.

"To what?" He lifted one of his brows in confusion.

"Dance." I stated the obvious.

"I didn't." He smirked. "I made a statement, and you accepted my gesture." He laughed at me. He cleared his throat when I didn't laugh with him and continued speaking. "Just looking out for you as usual. Like I'm supposed to. You should hear some of the things these scoundrels say about you sometimes." He mumbled the last part and started to twirl us around the room.

"I'm not sure that I want to hear what they say about me." I chuckled, earning a snicker from him.

"I think you're right about that." He paused. "Don't get me wrong, some of the statements they make aren't too bad, I suppose. Just about your perfect straight hair. And perfect complexion. Your perfect eyes. The basics." He said, slightly mocking the other boys we went to school with. He switched up the basic choreography, extending me outward, and quickly twirling me back in to his chest. "But I think you already know you have all of that." He said in a hushed voice, twirling me back out before I could focus on his lips moving in front of me. He pulled me close against his chest like I previously was and continued.

"Some of the foul things that come out of those trapdoors they call mouths on their faces... bleh," he faked a gag, "you'd think they are complete dogs, the lot of them. I certainly could never say those things about you of all people."

I wondered what that meant, exactly. Was he saying that out of respect for me? Or because he doesn't think of me in that type of way? I wasn't sure what his motive was. After a long moment of twirling in silence, he started the conversation back up again.

"So, who are you going with?" He asked me casually, looking over the top of my head, seeing that he was a few inches taller than me. I looked up at his face, debating on if I should tell him the truth or not.

Oh, what do I have to lose? Not like he is going to care.

"Cedric." I blurted out, causing him to look down at me.

"I figured as much. Have you told your parents?" He asked, not breaking eye contact.

"No. I meant to send my mother a letter, but after last nights hysterical episode, I never got around to it." I told him truthfully , which earned a stiff nod from him. "So, what about you? What unfortunate soul are you dragging around for an evening?" I asked, as he twirled me around again.

"Pansy." He answered swiftly. "Not in a romantic way or anything. She's just the only other girl I can decently stand half of the time."

"Other girl?" I raised an eyebrow at his words.

He chuckled, "Yeah, you being the other one I can stand. I don't just pick random girls to dance with me, you know. Plus, I knew you didn't have any germs to catch." He made a face as he looked around at the others twirling around the room.

I giggled at the look he was giving, causing him to turn back to me with a smirk. He knew he was funny, and he liked when people acknowledged it and gave him the attention that he longed for. Like a craving that was finally fulfilled.

"I was actually quite relieved to see your face when I turned around." I admitted. "I didn't want to touch any of these people either. Do you think that's why a lot of people don't like us? Do we always act like this?" I laughed. I didn't think we acted like spoiled rich kids, but now I was starting to wonder.

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