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Draco stood across from me on the platform, waiting for me to show up. A small smile creeped onto his lips as he saw me, causing blush to fill my cheeks. I hadn't seen him in a few days considering my family had went home to our own manor on New Year's Day. I approached him swiftly, shoving through people left and right, and wrapped my arms around his neck tightly, not caring who had seen.

"I missed you too, love." He chuckled, unwrapping his arms from around me after a few seconds, trying to not make anything look too suspicious.

"We'll stick together, right?" I asked him, worry lacing my words as I stood in front of him, my eyes staring into his own. He nodded his head, remembering what was bound to happen today. I could tell that he got annoyed quickly, not wanting to deal with any of this. Pansy is already probably already running around, spreading lies about all of us like wildfire.

We both climbed the train, Draco right on my heels as I lead the way. I quickly turned towards the compartment I always sat in, causing Draco to follow behind me. We were already dressed in our robes, our trunks were in the back of the train, and we were ready for our arrival back to school.

I quickly opened the door, let Draco enter, and slammed it shut. Maggie's eyes popped out of her head when she saw him with me. Dani turned to see what all of the commotion was about and made the same exact face.

"What the fuck are you doing in here?" Maggie asked, still not blinking, like he'd disappear if she did.

Draco threw himself down on the seat next to Blaise and crossed his arms over his chest in annoyance. He had been in a bad mood since I brought up Pansy, causing me to roll my eyes. He was fine just a few minutes ago.

"We're friends now." I told them quickly, sitting across from Draco and on the seat beside Dani and Maggie.

"Merlin, I can't keep up with you two!" Aria shouted throwing her hands up in the air.

"We spent Christmas together and reconciled, stop your shouting will you?" Draco spat at her, causing Blaise to nudge him with his shoulder to stop.

"He's crabby today." I huffed in annoyance, "I'm really sorry." I don't know why I was apologizing for his behavior.

"Um." I said awkwardly, my stomach started hurting at the thought of the conversation. I wanted to throw up. "We have to talk to you guys about something." I said nervously. All of their heads perked up immediately, interested in the latest gossip.

Draco moved his eyes up from the gaze he held on the floor to look into mine, his usual hard expression on his face. He could see that I was uncomfortable talking about it. He knew me too well by now. I just wasn't sure I could do this, I'm the worst liar and they all knew it.

"Pansy is spreading lies about us." He told them quickly so I didn't have to. "Whatever you hear, it's not true. Just help us put the bloody fire out." He said in an aggressive voice.

"What kind of lies?" Maggie said in confusion, her brows furrowing at the words.

"We aren't exactly sure." I admitted. Which was true, but I had an idea what she was telling people.

"Then how do you know she's spreading lies about you?" Dani asked, sounding more confused than Maggie. Blaise's eyes widened as he came to a realization.

"Did you guy's hook up? Did you cheat on her?" Blaise looked at Draco next to him. Draco shoved the side of Blaise's head, forcing his gaze to leave him.

"No." Draco informed him. "I literally left her annoying ass at the Christmas party because I couldn't take it anymore and found Jules in my library. We literally had a conversation and Pansy walked in and started acting like I had my tongue down her throat or something." He lied to all of them. Draco was way better at this than I was. I would've given it away by now.

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