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My friends and I walked around Hogsmeade, wrapped up in our warmest sweaters and scarves as the winter wind blew against our small bodies. The snow on the ground crunched under our boots as we walked through it, trying to find the little boutique that we had just shopped at a few weeks before.

"I found it!" Dani finally exclaimed after minutes of searching. We all looked in the same direction as her gaze and saw that the dress shop was straight ahead.

All four of us rushed towards it, excited to go shopping for the first time in what felt like forever. Personally, I was also just excited to finally feel my freezing fingers and toes again when we'd enter the warm building. This winter weather was no joke.

I hoped that the store would have a good selection of ball gowns, considering I would only want to wear the best dress available. That can't come as much of a shock to anyone. I didn't want any other girl to out do me, of course. I had a reputation to keep up and that would just be bloody embarrassing.

Maggie fell in love with the dress on display in the window as we were walking up. Just a simple white ball gown. She said she didn't want anything too fancy, and didn't even bother to try it on before she went ahead and bought it in her size.

It took the other three of us a lot longer to find dresses that we all liked. Eventually, Dani and Aria both seemed to find something that they thought was reasonable, leaving just me who didn't know what they wanted.

Dani's dress was navy blue, with lace sleeves, and a long flowy skirt. Not really my taste, but it did look perfect on her. Ari's dress was blush pink, and accented her body perfectly. It had small flowers on the top of it that continued to run down to the bottom of the train in the back.

"This seems hopeless you guys." I huffed as I stared at the 200th dress that I've had on. I was starting to feel defeated. None of the dresses that I had put on had come close to catching my eye yet. Maybe I was just being too picky. Or maybe they just needed to get a better taste in fashion and up their game here.

"Don't think like that!" Aria started, trying to make me feel better about it. "They all have looked great! I just don't think they have been, the ONE, y'know?"

"Totally," Maggie agreed while pointing at Aria and still staring at the dress I had on. I was growing impatient. It felt like it had been hours of this. I was about ready to just call it a day and go back to the castle empty handed.

"You are just so hot." Maggie laughed, "Not your fault, but man, it is hard to find something that suits YOU," she gestured towards me. "It's like nothing does you justice!"

"I agree." Dani nodded. A small smile pulled at my lips from her compliment. Ironically, I agreed. These dresses haven't done my beauty any justice.

"We do have something in the back." A worker stepped in and interrupted our conversation. "I've heard about you, you're the Brown girl, correct?" She asked, looking at me in curiosity.

"Yes." I confirmed with her. I stared at her in confusion and a little bit of concern. I really hope she's not stalking me or something. That would be so weird.

"I figured. Many other girls have come in here talking about you this week. Wondering what you would be wearing. They seem to think you have the best taste," she chuckled, "Do you have a budget? The one I'm thinking of might be a little expensive."

"No budget," I told her knowing that my father was paying for whatever I picked out. He wouldn't have a care in the world what the price tag said as long as I was happy.

"Ahh Daddy's money ahh ahh" Maggie joked between fake coughs. Merlin.

"Don't start." I flashed her a quick glare that quickly turned to a smile. As annoying as it was, she was 100% right. I tried to keep the comment from getting too far under my skin because I knew she meant no harm by it.

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