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I could feel Draco's weight push the bed down, causing me to roll over and let out a groan. Although, I couldn't turn down the delicious scent that was filling up the bedroom around me.

"Come on, love. I didn't listen to your father talk about the weather for over an hour while I cooked you breakfast for it to go cold." Draco laughed as he sat something down on my bedside table. I sat up slowly and squinted one of my eyes open to adjust to the morning light.

"Aren't you just as lovely as ever." Draco laughed as he tried brushing my knotted hair back out of my face for me. I chuckled lightly before I crawled over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Mmm. Good morning to you, too, sweetheart." He mumbled as he placed a kiss on my head and pulled me into his lap.

"You're in a better mood." I yawned as I rubbed one of my eyes with my fist and laid my head on his shoulder. He chuckled once at my statement.

"I could say the same about you. You were miserable to work with yesterday." He teased. I hit his chest lightly before I crawled out of his lap and sat by the top of my bed. I picked the tray up off of the bedside table and dug into the meal.

"What was really going on with you?" I asked him as I took a bite. "And is French toast the only thing you know how to make?" I joked as I chewed it up.

"The Lord just pissed me off. You should've seen me during the meetings if you thought I was angry when I got here." He told me as he rubbed his face with both hands harshly. "Don't ask either. Because if you were supposed to know, you'd have been there." He warned me in a deeper tone. "The other answer is, no. I can cook lots of things. However you tend to only eat your favorite." He laughed as he looked at the empty plate that sat in front of me.

I picked up the plate and threw it at him like a frisbee in an attempt to be funny. He ducked it just in time before it smashed itself against the wall behind him. He chuckled once as he saw the shattered pieces on the floor.

"Oh, you're getting it now." He laughed as he tackled me against the bed.

I leaned against the railing on the balcony and admired the view over the mountains in front of me. Snow laid all across the ground, creating one of the most beautiful sights I had ever seen. The manor was huge, and I was surprised the Malfoy's didn't host more parties and balls here with the way it was laid out.

I felt something get draped over my shoulders, causing me to look down and see a large fur blanket on my body. Draco wrapped his arms around me lovingly before he kissed the top of my head.

"Aren't you freezing out here?" He asked me as he rubbed my sides soothingly. I shook my head 'no' as I leaned back against his chest and watched the sun set.

"This is the best gift I have ever gotten for Christmas." I told him as the orange and pink sky casted and reflected on the snow in front of us. "This is probably the most beautiful thing in the world." I sighed. Draco rested his chin on my shoulder and hugged me tighter.

"Mmm, I'd give it a close second place." He disagreed, kissing my cheek warmly. I leaned into his touch and let out a sigh of contentment. "Besides, I haven't even given you your real gifts. How do you know this is the best gift yet?" He chuckled.

"Because money can't buy moments like this." I told him casually. My body was heating up quickly, making me realize how chilly the air outside had really been here.

My parents, as well as Draco's, were a little upset that we had decided to spend our Christmas alone and away from them, but we promised them New Year's Eve. They understood that we were getting older and that life was changing as they knew it. We weren't their babies anymore. We were building a new life. One together.

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