Chapter 3

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Lucas was with James and Liam, his new friends that he met at the pier when Roxanne Summers walked by them. All the boys drooled watching that beautiful girl walk by. Lucas felt part of himself wake up like there was happiness blooming. 'It's because she's our light and our love. We need to be around her as much as we can its wolf's version of a mate.' His demon Oliver says to him. Yes, just like werewolves there's two personalities to demons. Lucas has been a demon all his life and was born as a host to one. Oliver comes out only when extremely pissed off just like when wolves get really angry. Lucas also knows that James and Liam are werewolves, but they don't know that he's a demon because he has no scent and that's the best thing about being one.

Lucas saw that Roxanne look at him as she passed by like she was trying to piece together what he was. So far keeping what he is from her is the best option at this point until she either comes up to him or they run into each other alone. She must come up to him first before he goes further with her or does anything with her. He had to see her again no matter how or when he saw her.

Once it finally got dark and he was away from the wolves he headed towards the many nice homes of the rich werewolf families that lived there. The one that stood out the most was the Alphas house which he knew where Roxanne lived with her family. He had to find this girl who was making this new feeling inside him blossom.

He made himself a shadow and made sure that no one will shine any light on him. He found her room on the second floor and made himself visible again, making sure to stay on the room near her room window. He was glad that her window was cracked opened a little bit so that way he could eavesdrop on her conversation with her best friend.

Roxanne had her books spread out on her bed writing down her history notes with her friend Willow on the floor with the same books studying the same information. She closed her books and looked at her friend who clearly had the same idea.

"So, what happened after I left you at that store? Your text seemed like you were excited about something." Willow asks her.

"Yea something happened for sure Will. Something big."

"What kind of something girl? Stop keeping me in the dark." Willow says with a smile on her face.

"I think I might've met my mate." Roxanne says softly.

"You have!" Willow squeals in excitement.

"Yes, I have and calm down Will. There is just one issue."

"What would that be?"

"I get the scent that he's my mate, but I can't tell what he is. He's not a wolf I know that because I'll be able to sense it."

"You have to find him again and ask him what he is Rox."

"Willow, you have no idea what this means do you?" Roxanne says softly.

"I have some idea but refresh my memory please."

"If your mate isn't another wolf, you will be kicked out from your pack, and you'll become a rogue. What if he is a wolf but is hiding his wolf's scent from me? Will, there's so many possibilities as to what he is."

"Well go back to the pier tomorrow after school and find the guy. Then talk to him and get to know him without him getting suspicious about anything." Willow says to her friend.

"That's a really good idea good idea Will. I will do that tomorrow, will you come with me?" Roxanne asked,

"Of course, I can Chica. I want to see this guy for myself and see what you're talking about with the no scent."

"That sounds great. Let's get back to working on our homework because there's' a test coming up on Friday and I want to be prepared for."

"Of course, let's get to it."

Roxanne and Willow continued to study for the test that was coming up in a mere two days unaware of the figure outside of the glass looking in at them just studying. Roxanne smiles softly as she finishes what she needed for the test. Willow started packing up her stuff when she was finished with what she had to do.

"I'm gonna head home girl, I'll see you tomorrow at school."

"Sounds good Will, have a good night."

"You too Rox. Good night."

Roxanne gives her friend a smile watching her friend leave. She then continued to look over her notes, yawning every so often. She then soon found herself asleep on top of her notes dreaming of all the information that she was looking over.

Lucas watches both girls talk, and he knew that they were talking about him because they mentioned the guy that she couldn't pick up his scent. He watches as her friend left and gives a soft smile knowing that Roxanne will be up studying a little bit longer, also knowing how important passing her classes is to her. He may not have known her long, but he could just sense that school is important to her. He couldn't wait to run into her at their school tomorrow.

He saw that she was fast asleep on her notes and smiles softly. He slipped into her room and moved swiftly across her room making sure to put everything away that needs to be put away. He then placed her in her bed making sure that she was comfortable enough before he slipped out after shutting off her lights for her.

'I'll see you tomorrow my love whether you know it or not.' Lucas and Oliver thought together knowing that it was true for sure.

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