Chapter 30

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~Lucas' POV~
I woke up the next morning and I looked down at my sleeping girlfriend. She looked so adorable like that, and I didn't want to disturb her. I knew that today we were going to go see the elders about her father because even though he has been better he has also gotten worse. She had put off this for the longest time and their relationship has also gotten worse as well. She talks back to him which I'm proud of compared to a year ago before I met her. He had tried to hit her the few times I was there with her, and I managed to stop it those times, but there were times that I wasn't there she got his wolf's wrath. I feel bad every time that he hits her because I wasn't there to stop it. My phone vibrated on the nightstand next to me which caused Roxanne to groan softly.

"It's ok baby go back to bed."

She lets out a soft whimper but then settles down and goes back to softly snoring. I sat up and then checked my phone and saw a text from a person that I haven't heard from since I left my last town. Her name was Lilianna Rose, she's a supernatural being as well. She knew Oliver in his life, and they have a long history, so that is how we reconnected and how exactly she knew who I was. God what does this stupid bitch want now.

*Have you done as I asked olivarius?* ~Lilianna

I couldn't believe that she would be texting me at this time of day. She would usually give me a time and a location on where we would meet. This has been happening ever since I've moved to Newport. I went to the text box on our conversation and then typed out my response.

*Oh Lilith, I do look forward to your texts. What do you want?* ~Lucas

*We need to meet olivarius. We need to discuss what has been happening. You have been keeping me in the dark ever since you started hanging out that wolf whore a lot more. Meet me in the school locker room Monday at lunch, or else your wolfie gets it. Ta ta for now.* -Lilianna

*Fine. I'll meet you then, but just please don't touch her.* ~Lucas

After that it showed that she had read it, I shut my phone off and turned back to my girlfriend who was still sleeping. I kiss the top of her head and then head to the bathroom to do what I had to. After doing my business I walked out and then saw that she was up wearing her bra and panties with my shirt. I say that she was looking at my phone with a frown on her face.

"Who is Lilianna?"

"Baby she's nobody, please don't worry about it."

"That doesn't make me feel better Lucas."

"Roxanne baby please." I say softly.

"Get out Lucas."

"What about the elders? I thought that we were gonna go together."

"I will be going with Willow and Liam today. Now get out."

"No Roxanne, I am coming with you because we already agreed to this."

"Fuck you, Lucas. Once you tell me who Lilianna is, then I will consider taking you will me to see the elders today. Now get the fuck out."

~Roxanne's POV~
I couldn't believe what I found on his phone. I know it seems like I'm overreacting, but I like to think that I'm allowed to. I watch Lucas get dressed and then leave, he had sadness written in his features. It's his own fault that he didn't tell me who the hell she was. If he can't trust me about something like this, then I don't want nothing to do with him at the moment. I don't even know who this Lilianna chick is anyways. I went to my phone and called my best friend Willow. I just hope that she's already awake and won't be upset with me. She answered after two rings and she sounded like she was groggy.

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