Chapter 32

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After we got back from the elders pack house, we all were laughing and happy that the elders knew what was finally going on in my household. We all walked in and saw my parents on the couch cuddling with one another. Oh man they aren't gonna like me in a few days when they get the letter about dad going in for a trial.

"Hey mom, hey dad."

"Hey sweetie. How was Nana and Poppa?" Mom asks me.

"They were good. I got to sit in on a council meeting today. It was pretty interesting to see that, and now I got to see what happens and what they talk about."

"I'm glad that you got to experience that honey."

"Yea me too." I say softly.

Willow, Liam, Lucas, and I went to the kitchen, then I started to prepare us some lunch humming softly as I did so. I made us some fresh pasta with homemade Alfredo sauce. I hummed softly as I cooked the food. I love to cook a lot and I can't wait to do more of this when I get out of this house.

A few days go by and I'm sitting in the living room reading a book with Lucas next to me cuddled into my side. My mom comes in with the mail and I look up from what I was reading to see an official letter from the elder council with my dad's name on it. My father comes in and my mom hands him the envelope with his name on it.

"What's the letter about David?" My mom asks him.

"I don't know sweetheart, let's see." My father says as he opens the letter.

"Read it out loud."

"Dear David, this is to inform you that you have committed crimes against your family and you will be on trial starting tomorrow afternoon. Make sure that you show up looking presentable and your family is invited to witness this event. You must show up tomorrow or we will send our guards after you and arrest you. Show up or face the consequences. -The Elder Council"

My father put the letter on the table and looked over at me and Lucas with a death glare. I didn't know what that was about but then all of a sudden, my father came over to us and pulled Lucas from me then pinned him to a nearby wall. I stood up and growled at him, baring my canines in defense because he had ruin our moment that we were having.

"What the fuck did you do hellspawn?"

"What are you talking about?" Lucas asks, confused.

"Were you the one that went to the elder council and made a claim that I was abusing my family?" My father growled at him.

"T-That was not me." Lucas says in between coughs.

"Then who was it?"

"I won't tell."

"Tell me." My father growls as he tightens his grip on Lucas' neck.

Lucas started coughing, the blood slowly draining from his face. My father will not kill my mate, not while I'm around. I then shifted into Rose and pawed my dad away from Lucas which caused him to drop Lucas to the floor who was coughing. My father growled at me and shifted into his wolf that was a bit bigger than me. We began fighting, our growls and snarls filling the room.

I heard my mom gasp and then the two of us stopped fighting and I caught my reflection in the mirror. My wolf was white, I knew that but on my left side near my tail was the sign of the moon goddess. That consisted of a full moon and two crescent moons on each side of it. My only question was, why was it marked on my wolf and what did that mean? I shifted back into myself and went over to Lucas who was slowly getting up.

"Baby are you ok?" I asked him.

"Yea, I am. Why did your mom gasp?"

"I think it had to do with the moon goddess symbol on the left side of my wolf near my tail. I have no idea what it means." I then turned and looked over at my mom. "Mom why did you gasp when you saw the symbol on my wolf?"

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