Chapter 6

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Roxanne loved being in the same room as her mate but knew that they had to go back to class soon. Lucas was still smiling, happy to be near her no matter where they were. He was scared to do anything even though she did give permission for it. Lucas then moved a little closer to Roxanne, being careful to not move his hand any further than what she is allowing now. She gently places her hands on his chest and uses his shirt to pull her to him. The mate pull causing her to pull him close to her. He didn't seem to protest when she did and all he did was put his other hand on her waist.

"Are you sure that this is ok Roxanne?" Lucas asks her.

"Yes Lucas, I'm sure." She tells him softly.

She wrapped her arms loosely around his neck pulling him close to her and saw that he was smiling softly. She didn't mind it at all, and her wolf loved every minute of it. Her hand found the ends of his hair and she begins to play with the ends of it in a calming manner. She sees Lucas shut his eyes and still smiling softly.

"Mmm." Lucas moans softly.

She giggles softly which causes his eyes to snap open and a blush formed on his face. He pulls her close to him and she was blushing as well. She inhaled his scent and lets out a groan. The smell of pine and mint filling her nose. Roxanne's eyes moved from Lucas' eyes to his lips and back up to his beautiful green eyes which she and her wolf absolutely love about him. She goes and cups his cheek rubbing her thumb ever so gently along his smooth skin. She smiles softly when Lucas leaned into her touch. She felt safe with him like this, alone and just the two of them.

"Roxanne," Lucas says softly.

"Yes Lucas?"

"C-Can I please kiss you." He says shyly.

"O-Oh yea of course." She says blushing harder now.

Roxanne felt her wolf leap in joy, and she waits patiently for him to start leaning in so he can kiss her. Once he does this, he won't ever deny the bond and he will want to be near her more. When he didn't make a move, she pulled him down and kisses him growling lowly. She felt his hands slip under her shirt touching the skin along her waist. She then moans feeling his lips on her neck then tangled her hands in his hair.

"Fuck Lucas wait." She breathes.

She feels him stop and her wolf whimpers at the loss of contact, but she understands why Roxanne did what she did. Lucas looked at her in a dazed manner and she found this cute.

"What's going on? You, ok?" Lucas asks, scared, if he hurt her or something.

"I'm fine Lucas. We can't continue this."

"What? Why?"

"We're at school, plus I don't want you to leave any marks on me yet."

"Oh ok." He says pulling away from her.

"Lucas, I really do want to continue but not here. Come by my place later tonight when my parents are asleep."

"Ok." Lucas says his face is lighting up. "I just don't have your number though."

"Here love."

Roxanne handed Lucas her phone and he put his number in there and then sent himself a message. Afterwards he handed her back her phone and she put it back in her pocket.

"There now you have my number." Lucas says with a wink. "Text me anytime doll face and I'll answer."

"Ok." Roxanne says with a giggle.

Roxanne blushes when he pecks her cheek. She loves every little thing he does and finds it adorable. She watches Lucas check the time and she also noticed that lunch was over.

"We really must part ways my love. Can I guarantee that I will see you later?" Lucas asks her.

"I'll see what I can do. I'll text you and let you know."

"Sounds like a good idea. How should we do this?"

"What do you mean?"

"If we leave at the same time people are gonna assume shit if we do that." Lucas says.

"You got a good point there. I'll leave here first."

"Be safe Roxanne."

"I will. You too Lucas."

He kisses her cheek and then waits for her to leave. She smiles softly and then leaves the janitors closet after looking both ways making sure that no one was coming. She then went to her next class where she saw Willow. She sat in her normal seat waiting for Willow to come in. She couldn't believe that she and Lucas kissed even though she wanted to talk with him. She blushes at the thought of him and her alone where no one can see them. She sees Willow rush in the classroom and sit next to her.


"So, what Will?" Roxanne says.

"What happened in that closet?"

"We talked for a bit and then he kissed me." Roxanne says blushing.

"He kissed you?!" Willow exclaimed.

"Yes, he did. He even asked for permission before he did that."

"That was sweet of him. So, are you gonna meet up with him again?"

"Maybe later tonight, he gave me his number."

"That is so nice. You should totally see him tonight. Have him sneak over when your parents are asleep."

"Yea maybe. Rose likes the idea of that since he's definitely our mate."

"I'm glad that things are confirmed between you two."

"Yea me too. It's just the fact that I have to tell him when the time is right. I also think that he's not a wolf. He's something else that I can't seem to sense."

"Well, when you know please tell me because I'm interested in this now."

"I will don't worry Will. When I know will you. Now let's pay attention to the teacher so we can be prepared for the rest that we are gonna have tomorrow afternoon."

Willow nods at her best friend and they both pay attention to what the teacher was saying to them. She hopes that she makes it through the rest of the day without her wolf whining to be with Lucas.

'Can't wait to see our mate later.' Rose says to Roxanne, who just agrees with her because she knows that it's true.

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