Chapter 26

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Lucas was waiting for Roxanne to come back in her room. He has heard yelling coming from outside her bedroom. It sounded like Roxanne and her father yelling, probably at one another about something. All of a sudden Roxanne's door opens and Lucas goes into his shadow form and hides in the corner away from the light. Lucas had noticed she was covering her left cheek when she walked into her bathroom. She was looking at herself in the mirror.

"Oh my." Roxanne says to herself.

He saw how red her cheek was and it made him, and Oliver really pissed off. For a wolf to have a mark that red and visible, they must've been his really hard. Lucas was fuming, if her dad hurt her, he would kill him.

"That's looks pretty bad."

He sees her jump a little and then looks over at him. She looked so shocked and a little scared of him.

"Lucas, what are you doing here?"

"I wanted to check in on you after the events that had happened last night."

"You turned into a damn demon Lucas! I am not fucking ok!" Roxanne says with a slight growl in her voice.

"I'm sorry I scared you baby, that was never mine or Oliver's intention." Lucas tells her.

"It was probably never your intention Lucas, but you scared me anyways. Ow." She says holding her cheek.

"What happened to your cheek baby?"

"You have no right to ask me that. You may not have apologized to me, but Oliver has not. Once he has done so, then I will forgive the both of you."

"Let him apologize, we hate knowing that we scared our love. Please Roxanne."

"I don't know." She says softly.

"Let me at least take care of that mark on your cheek."

"Fine." She grumbles then goes and sits on the toilet.

Lucas grabs out everything that he needs in order to clean up her mark on her cheek. Her dad hit her hard enough to where there was a bit of blood.

"Who did this to you?" Lucas asks her.

"No one." She says.

"Baby girl come on. You can tell me."

"I-I don't know."

"Baby you can trust me. I won't say anything, please." Lucas says softly.

"It was my dad."

"Why did he hit you?"

"We got into an argument, and I said something's and so did he. He didn't like that I told him that mom is finally realizing what a controlling dick he really is and then he hit me." Roxanne says to him.

"Your moms finally realizing it?"

"Yea she is."

"That's always a good thing, I guess. Now let's clean up the blood that's on your cheek."

"There's blood?"

"Yes, baby there is. What happened?"

"He probably used his claws at the end by accident or something."

"Baby you can't justify his actions, he hurt you Roxanne and left you bleeding. A father isn't supposed to hurt his child like that. Please baby see how wrong that is."

"I saw it in his eyes today, he didn't like how I was finally defying him and his wishes. What he did was a disgrace to the werewolf community and the elders of the pack will be hearing about this. Namely my grandparents and Willow's grandparents, plus a few others."

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