seventy six

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THE REST OF MY MORNING was about as chaotic as I thought it would be. Once Eli was fed and I was dressed, we made our way into the living room and watched as Carlisle began to ask Eli a few simple questions. Seeing as Eli was new at speaking, his answers were only yes or no. It made my heart melt every time he looked at me before answering and I wanted nothing more than to hold onto him and never let go. Our world was too crazy for such an innocent soul and he needed to be protected from it.

"I think that's good Carlisle." I could feel Emmett's body tense up beside me. I turned to face him but he was focused on Alice, who was whispering to Edward about something. Eli instinctually ran to me, my body jerking in surprise as his weight settled.

"What's going on?" Everyone was focused on the two siblings as they argued in a hushed tone in the kitchen. "Em?"

"Alice had a vision and she doesn't want Edward saying what it is." The arm that was resting on the sofa behind me, wrapped around my shoulders. "There was one about Jasper too."

"Is it bad?" He nodded and I felt Eli squirm in my arms. "I'm going to take Eli outside for a little bit. Let Jake see the new him." I left his side without another word. I was trying to avoid getting involved with another Cullen family fight. My day was weird as it is, I didn't want to add anything to it.

Walking outside was refreshing. The mood inside the house was intense and not even Jasper could help alleviate it. Alice's vision seemed to cause a divide in the house and I was grateful to leave that situation before it escalated. I carried Eli on my hip as I looked around the yard, trying to spot Jacob or Seth. I was about to head back inside when I noticed Leah sitting on a leftover log from Bella's wedding.

Her head turned as she heard my footsteps and her eyes widened as she glanced at the boy on my hip. "Jacob's patrolling with Seth."

"Maybe I was looking for you." I joked, she smirked and gave me a shrug in response.

"Who's the kid?" Eli nuzzled his head into my neck as he shied away from her. I sat beside her and his little legs wrapped around me as much as they could, his little fist clutching my shirt.

"Eli." Her eyes widened again and I answered her question before she could even ask it. "He woke up like this, this morning. He's growing at the same rate as Nesmee." She nodded and seemed to accept my answer but it make it any less weird. Even I knew how strange it was. "Now my newborn is a toddler who walks and talks. Oh, and he can run fast."

"Your life is anything but normal." She commented and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Yeah, I know." I smiled. "I wouldn't change it though. Maybe alter some stuff that's happened but I'm happy keeping this little guy how he is." I rested my chin on Eli's head and my heart melted as I felt his little sigh against my neck.

"You were meant to be a Mom," Leah observed. "I don't know how to explain it but you just have that mom vibe, the energy. Kinda like my Mom."

"I get it. I was thinking the same thing earlier." We sat in silence for a few minutes before she turned around and grimaced, her nose scrunching up.

"I'm out." She left my side and disappeared into the trees before I could even turn around and see who had come outside. I didn't have to wait long as I felt them sit beside me.

"It was getting too intense in there. Even for me." Jasper chuckled. "How's he doing?"

"He's good. He fell asleep." I took a mental note to ask Carlisle about that. Eli had been falling asleep any chance he could and I knew it was normal for newborns but I wasn't sure if it was normal for newborn/toddler vampire babies. "So what's going on inside?"

𝙝𝙞𝙜𝙝 𝙝𝙤𝙥𝙚𝙨. emmett cullenWhere stories live. Discover now