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Bella and I walked side by side as we entered the bleak building, my arm hooked through hers as her hands were stuffed into her jacket pockets. A sudden wave of heat hit us and it heated our chilled bodies. I smiled slightly and unhooked my arm from Bella's and slipped my beanie off, no longer cold enough to wear it. Bella lead the way to the school office and I blindly followed her.

"Can I help you?" A small older lady smiled kindly at us as we entered the small area. Bella and I walked over to her to introduce ourselves.

"Yeah, uh, I'm Isabella Swan and this is my sister Clarissa Swan," Bella informed her. I eyed the lady as recognition flashed across her eyes ad she stared at the both of us. She undoubtedly knew who we were seeing as how Charlie had to come to sign us up for school.

"Oh yes." Her smile widened as she dug through a filing cabinet placed next to her. Finding what she was looking for, she handed the papers to us. "These are your school schedules along with a map for the both of you." We silently took the papers from her grasp and examined them after thanking her. Well, I thanked her, and Bella just sort of nodded.

Bella and I left the office and waited until we were in the hallway to compare our schedules. I knew we wouldn't have any classes together considering Bella was a year older than I am, but she just wanted to double-check.

"We only have lunch together." She said as she looked over our schedules. "Oh wait we have gym together too." Her eyes brightened as I smiled at her.

"Well looks like we won't be all alone after all." I hooked my arm through hers again as we walked down the hall to find our lockers- which were conveniently next to each other.

After finding our lockers, Bella and I stuffed our coats in them. I slipped off my beanie and placed it into my backpack- which I, unfortunately, had to carry with me to all of my classes.

"Good luck." I grinned at her. She nodded hesitantly with a grim look on her face and slammed her locker shut before walking away to find her class. After seeing her around the corner, I closed my locker and leaned against it to study the map.

"You look lost." I looked up from the map and turned my head to see a red-haired girl looking at me as she opened her locker. "You must be one of the new girls everyone keeps talking about. I'm Jennah." She stuck her hand out and I politely shook it, a smile on my face.

"I'm Clarissa but you can call me Clary." She returned my smile and closed her locker.

"What's your first class?" She nodded at the schedule in my hand. I handed it to her and she nodded as a small smile graced her face. "AP Government, impressive." She handed the piece of paper back to me and I tucked it into the folder along with the map. "I'll show you to your class." I nod gratefully and follow her down the hallways that were still littered with students. "You are aware that you're taking a class with nothing but juniors and seniors?" She eyed me warily, one of her eyebrows raised.

"Yeah." I chuckled. She nodded and flipped her straightened red hair behind her shoulders.

"I had Mr. Jefferson for Government last year, he's pretty chill. As long as you pay attention he won't give you a hard time." She began. "I'm a senior now so I don't have him anymore."

"Oh that's cool, I'm a sophomore." I looked at her and she chuckled.

"So this is your class." She pointed to the door a foot away from us. "I'm only here half a day but I'll see you at lunch Clary. Have fun learning." She smiled brightly before walking away from me.

I eyed the wooden door cautiously before twisting the silver doorknob and pulling the door open. The first thing I notice when I walk into the room is that the classroom already has a few students in it. They're all perched on the table tops staring silently at me, no longer interested in the conversation they were just having. I shut the door behind me and walk over to the teacher sitting behind the desk.

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