thirty seven

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"Jasper, what are you doing here?" I was back on the bed and he sat across from me in one of the chairs. He hasn't said a word until the nurse left and his silence worried me. "Are the others here too?"

"No, it's just me." He answered after a moment. He avoided my first question and instead chose to stare at the wall.

"How are you?" He turned and stared blankly at me before he smiled and one of his eyebrows raised.

"You're the one sitting in a hospital room hooked up to a machine, but you're asking me how I am?" He chuckled.

"Well, you won't answer my other question so I had to ask a new one." I shrugged.

"I am fine." He narrowed his eyes.

"Jasper, tell me why you're here." I had had enough.

"Alice had a vision." He turned and met my glare. "Of you."

"Okay? What was happening?" I couldn't understand the point he was trying to make. Nothing bad had been happening, besides the mess with Victoria.

"In her vision, she saw you lying in a hospital bed covered in blood. It scared her."

"Well, I'm fine, as you can see." I didn't want to sound harsh, but his return only sparked a certain hope in me that I wished would die out.

"Yes." He eyed me warily. "I'm also here for Rosalie."

"Is she okay?"

"She is but she's worried for you. And she wants to know why you haven't answered any of her phone calls."

"I got a new number." I sighed.

"Oh, and why is that?" He narrowed his eyes.

"To help with the healing process." I glared at him. He didn't flinch, not that I expected him to, but he didn't soften his glare either. Before he could respond, I had to ask him the question I needed an answer to. "How is he?"

"I don't know." He replaced his glare with a sad gaze. "None of us have seen him since we left."

"He called me." That got a reaction from him. He perked up and focused solely on me.


"About a week ago. I didn't answer but he left a voicemail." I picked up my phone from beside me and flipped It open. I dialed my number and waited for the voicemail to play. I hit speaker as soon as I heard his deep voice say my name.

"Clary, it's me. I know I'm the last person you want to hear from but I needed to hear your voice - at least one last time. Words can't explain just how sorry I am but I want you to know that letting you go was the stupidest thing I've ever done. And that's saying something, considering I do enough of stupid shit. Well, before I get cut off, just know that I love you. Forever and Always. I'm sorry, Clary. Call me back- if you want."

"I lied to you, Clary." Was the only thing Jasper said to me after Emmett's voicemail ended.

"What do you mean?"

"I didn't come here just for Alice and Rosalie, I came as a favor to Emmett as well." He pulled out his phone and clicked a few buttons before I heard Emmett speak through it.

"Jasper, it's Emmett. I need a favor. Something is going to happen - something bad. But before it does, I need you to go see Clary. Just see how she is, and tell me. Tell me if she's happy, and moving on. Please, I need to know. Thanks, Jas, I have to go but call me."

The voicemail cut off and I tried to hold the tears in. "What did he mean? What's happening?"

"He never said." Jasper put his phone away.

​​​​​"Oh." I couldn't think of a way to respond. He nodded slowly and turned away from me again. Despite everything, I was worried for Emmett. What was so bad that he sent Jasper to check up on me? What was happening to him? "So since you've done what you came here for, will you be leaving?"

"I have to. I know you want me to stay but being here could ruin things."

"Ruin what things?"

"Don't worry your pretty little head over it, Clary." He stood up from his seat and straightened his shirt. The purple fabric flattened against his stomach and his hands went back to his sides as soon as he was finished. "I have to go now, but this won't be the last time you see me." He strode over to me and kissed my forehead softly. "You're family now Clary, nothing will ever change that." I closed my eyes and listened intently as his footsteps traveled to the door. It wasn't until the door was shut behind him that I opened my eyes and let a tear fall.

"Emmett did. Emmett changed it."

"Now if you ever scare me like that again I will take away your library card." Dad wagged his finger in my face as I tried to get comfortable on my bed.

"Yes sir." I smiled at him. He kissed my hair and left me alone. I turned towards the window and let out a sigh. The sun had gone down and I almost laughed as I thought back to how I spent my entire day in the hospital. I turned away from the night sky and lay on my side. I didn't bother turning off my lamp, I didn't have enough energy to do so. Just as I felt m eyes drift shut, a tapping noise had me jolting upwards. The tapping sound came again and I stared cautiously at the window.

Whoever was tapping, stopped and started to slowly slide the window open. I grabbed whatever was next to me, which happened to be a random book, and raised my arm, ready to hurl the object at whoever appeared. The window was open all the way now but no one appeared. Just as I was about to put the book down, a tall tan body jumped through the window and landed on my carpeted floor.

"Hey, Clary." Embry greeted me. He eyed the book curiously before turning to me. "A book was your weapon of choice?"

"It was the only thing I could find," I told him. I placed the book back on my nightstand and motioned for him to sit on the bed. "What's up?"

"I wanted to see you." He shrugged. "You were my best friend once but now we can't even be in the same room together without tension surrounding us like smoke."

"I know, I'm sorry." I wanted him to see how sincere how I was, so I didn't shy away from his heated gaze.

"I am too." He smiled. "I know that things between us can never be how they used to and that we can never be together, but I want you back in my life."

"Best friends." I smiled and held out my fist.

"Best friends." He bumped my fist with his.

"Good, now it's late, I'm tired, so good night." I scooted on the bed and laid down on my stomach. "You can stay if you want but close the window." I hooked my arms under my pillow and buried my face in the cold fabric. I felt the bed shift as Embry stood up. The sound of the window closing made me sigh and I closed my eyes, ready to drift to sleep.

"Goodnight Clary," Embry whispered. The bed shifted as he laid his ginormous body down next to me.

"Goodnight Embry." I closed my eyes and felt sleep begin to consume me. Before I drifted away fully, I felt Embry hook his leg underneath one of mine and sigh quietly. Sleep came to me but Embry snatched it away when he opened his big mouth.

"Why do you smell like a vampire?"


𝙝𝙞𝙜𝙝 𝙝𝙤𝙥𝙚𝙨. emmett cullenWhere stories live. Discover now