thirty two

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It had been a few days since I had any contact with anyone from La Push. After my little movie night with Quil, I couldn't bring myself to go back to Sam's. Not with my mind racing the way it was. I wanted to talk to Emily, but I couldn't. Not with Sam and the others around.

​​I didn't answer his call or listen to his voicemail, but I had read his text message. Or the two words he had typed.

"I'm sorry."

After months of healing, two words were enough to send me back into a frenzy of pain and misery. I was using my cheerleading activities to keep me busy so my mind wouldn't cloud with thoughts of him, but none of it was working. And I desperately needed it too.

I wanted to visit Emily but according to Billy, being at Sam's right now was not a good idea. I had no idea as to why but Bella mentioned that Jake left her for Sam along with Embry. I wanted to comfort my sister, she lost her best friend and boyfriend in a matter of months, but I couldn't. I would only make her recurring nightmares worse.

Despite our distant relationship, I was now trudging through a darkened forest in search of some meadow my sister loved.

"Wait so he said he had mono?" I asked Bella. She was ahead of me by a few paces as she told her tale.

"Yes." She answered simply, more than likely annoyed by all my questions.

​​​​​"but that's impossible." I scratched my arm as a bug bit me. "He's never even kissed a girl! Plus the fool still believes all girls who aren't named Bella Swan still have cooties."

​"You're so not hilarious."

"The bird laughed." I shrugged, pointing at a random bird.

We silently trudged on for a few more minutes. Bella had discarded the map and was now just trusting her memory. And then, suddenly we stood on the edge of the meadow. Bella had once told me how pretty and colorful this place once was, but now, all the color was drained away. The flowers were dead, the grass had decayed, and the sun was dimmed. The meadow that my sister loved so dearly, had changed drastically.

Bella was in some sort of trance as she carefully walked further into the meadow. I copied her footsteps and kept quiet as she took everything in. She turned to face me and I could see the sadness and disappointment in her eyes. The last memory of her time with Edward had died and faded along with him.

"Bella, I'm so sorry." I stepped toward her and wrapped my arms around her waist. She hugged me back silently and I didn't know how long we just sought comfort from each other but neither of us pulled apart.

"Laurent." I heard Bella whisper into my ear. I pulled away and looked at her confused. Her eyes flickered to something behind me and I stepped away from her and finally spun around. Standing there in his frayed clothing and glittery skin was Laurent, someone who was once an ally to us both.

"Bella, Clary." He didn't question our names as he said them, he was certain it was us. "I didn't expect to see you two here."

"We live here. Shouldn't it be us saying that to you?" I chuckled.

"I suppose." His grin unnerved me and the steps he took toward us didn't calm my nerves. "I went by the Cullen residence, but they weren't there. The place seemed to have lost its scent completely."

​"They left," Bella stated.

​"I gathered that. But what surprised me was they left you two behind. Weren't you some sort of pet of theirs?" He now stood a couple of feet in front of us and I faintly saw Bella snap her head to the side before she turned back to Laurent.

"Something like that," I muttered.

​​​​"Do they visit often?"

"All the time." Bella stupidly answered.

"So you say but like I said already, their home was rid of their scents." His eyes flashed and suddenly he stood directly in front of us. I pushed Bella back and I shifted so my body covered hers slightly. "You must know, I came as a favor to Victoria. But she won't be happy about this." His face held a mock sadness.

​"About what?" Bella muttered.

​"About me killing you." His eyes narrowed menacingly. I let out a small hasp and Bella shoved me behind her. "She wanted to do it herself. She's sort of angered by you two, more specifically you, Bella."

"Me?" Bella squeaked.

"Yes, you. James was her mate and he died at the hands of yours. An eye for an eye is the expression I believe." The smirk he wore terrified me but the way Bella kept nodding or shaking her head as she glanced around, scared me more. "Though I suppose her plan has a few flaws now.Since Edward and Emmett are no longer protecting you two." A shot of pain tore through me as he spoke Emmett's name. I ignored it and tried desperately to think of something that might save us.

"Why not wait for her?" Bella asked him.

​​​​​​"Well, you've caught me at a bad time." He purred."I came to hunt and you two smell divine. I'm sure Victoria won't mind if I only save one of you for her." Suddenly Laurent was behind me and he grabbed my forearm and spun me to face him. "Perhaps I'll drink from the one she likes the least."

"They'll know it was you." Bella gasped out. "You won't get away with this." Laurent didn't seem to appreciate Bella's words. His grip on my arm tightened and I knew a bruise would be forming soon.

​​"And why not?" He taunted her. "Clary's scent will wash away with the rain. Her body won't be discovered, she would simply go missing. But don't think this is personal, this is simply thirsting."

"Please don't." I found myself whimpering.

"Look at it this way girls. You're very lucky I was the one to find you." His fingernail was scraping against my skin and I was waiting for him to pinch me with it. "I'll make it quick and easy. Whereas Victoria would've played with you two for hours." I didn't think I was lucky despite his reassuring words.

His fingernail finally pricked me and I saw him sniff the air as a drop of blood rolled down my arm. "What is this?" He looked confusedly at me. He loosened his grip on my arm and dabbed at the drop of blood. He brought it to his mouth and hesitantly tasted it. His face scrunched up in disgust and he jerked away from me. "What are you?" He glared at me. Before I could answer, he tensed up. "I don't believe it." His head whipped around and stared at the trees.

And then I saw it.

A large black wolf emerged from the shadows and stalked towards us. It growled lowly and I whimpered. Laurent seemed more scared than I was and if I wasn't terrified or bleeding, I might've laughed. Two wolves appeared and flanked it on either side. One was deep grey and the other brown but the brown one stood out to me the most. It was the same wolf from my dream. The same wolf that had taken Jared's place.

"Jared," I whispered the name quietly. The wolf's head snapped towards me and I swore I saw a look of recognition flicker through its eyes. Two more wolves walked into the meadow and they mimicked the growl the black one released. The leader growled once again and Laurent did something I didn't expect him to do.

He ran away.

The wolves sprang into action and ran after him. They dove past us and I whipped my head around to watch them chase their newfound prey.

"Clary, let's go." Bella grabbed my hand and dragged me away. She pulled me through the trees and helped me dodge fallen branches. Throughout our run only one thought ran through my mind; I almost died, again.

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