sixty six

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Miley Cyrus made stepping off a plane seem much cooler than it was. In reality, it was awkward. Especially when you had the father of your child beside you and he still hasn't spoken a word to you.

If Emmett was good at anything, it was keeping quiet. As surprising as it was, the boy could hold a grudge and his silence had me wanting to apologize. But I wasn't at fault and he knew that. So his silence wasn't needed but because of his pride, he wanted me to break first.

Not going to happen.

The drive to Emmett's house was just as silent as the plane ride. He would make small talk with the taxi driver but other than that, he gave me the cold shoulder. It was starting to bug me but I knew that as soon as we got to his house, I wouldn't have to talk to him.

"Thank you." I tipped the driver and exited the taxi, ignoring Emmett as he grabbed my luggage from the trunk of the car. I walked up to the door and knocked on it, waiting for someone to answer.

"You could just go in." So he does know how to speak. I rolled my eyes as he opened the door and walked in.

"Excuse me for being polite." I scoffed.

"So she speaks."

"Not to you." I bit back.

"Then what are you doing right now?" He dropped my luggage and smirked smugly at me.

"I think I liked you better when you were ignoring me." I walked up the stairs to the next floor and didn't glance at him as he followed me.

"I wasn't ignoring you." He sighed.

"Could've fooled me." I scoffed and stopped at the top of the stairs.

"Well, I'm sorry if I don't want you to die for something that shouldn't even exist!"

"I thought that maybe you changed your mind about our son, but I can see my hopes were too high." I turned away from him and walked into the kitchen. I opened the refrigerator and grabbed a bottle of water, but it wasn't the water that was in the bottle. "What the heck is this?"

"It's for Bella." Someone answered from behind me. I glanced behind me and shot Rose a puzzled look. "It's the only thing she can eat."

"She turned already?" I nearly dropped the bottle of blood. I hastily put it back and turned to face Rose.

"No." She shook her head. "Come with me." I stepped around Emmett to follow her but he stopped me.

"We need to talk."

"You should tell me something I don't already know." I huffed and caught up with Rose. We walked into the sitting room and I saw the rest of the Cullens scattered around the room. "What's going on?" Bella smiled widely at me and my eyes widened as I took in her pale face and sunken cheeks.

"Hey, little sister." She beamed.

"What's going on?" I repeated. Edward gave me a small smile and answered.

"She's pregnant."

"Okay, that I didn't know." I glanced at Emmett. I looked back at my sister and saw her trying to get up. "I thought you weren't going to give her your baby juice?" I heard a few chuckles but nothing more.

"Things changed." Edward sighed.

"Obviously." I chuckled. "So why is everyone acting so weird?" Bella started to get up again and Rose went to her side, helping her to her feet. Her baby bump was much larger than mine and her body wasn't as healthy as it used to be. "I don't understand."

"We don't either," Carlisle replied.

"How come I'm okay and Bella looks like a pregnant zombie?"

"We don't know," Alice spoke up. "I can't see her baby as I can see yours."

"This just keeps getting freakier." I sat down and put my hands on my stomach, feeling baby Eli kicking against my hand.

"Can I feel?" Jasper asked. I beamed at him and nodded. He hesitantly put his hand on my stomach before smiling as the baby kicked against it. "That's amazing."

"I know." I giggled. He sat beside me and kept his hand on me, enjoying the feeling of the kicks.

"Do you drink blood too?" Bella asked me with a hopeful look in her eyes.

"No." I shook my head sympathetically. "Baby Eli likes normal people's food, especially sandwiches."

"Clary, did you learn anything that could help us while you were in Italy?"

"A few things," I answered him. "This type of thing is very rare, there are only a few documented human vamp pregnancies and they were all different from the other."

"They had one thing in common though," Emmett spoke up. I glared at him, knowing he was going to say something.

"What's that?" Carlisle asked.

"They all died after giving birth." Plenty of gasps echoed around the room and I felt everyone staring at me. "Don't even bother with her, she already made up her mind." I rolled my eyes and felt Jasper grab my hand, trying to calm me.

"I'm not sacrificing the life of my child so I can continue to live mine." I glared at him. "We've discussed this. It's not happening."

"She thinks I can turn her before she croaks." Emmett scoffed.

"And if you won't, Dom already said he would."

"The hell he is!" Emmett growled. I jumped slightly and I felt a flurry of kicks against my stomach.

"Elijah doesn't like you yelling at Clary," Edward spoke up as if what he said was completely normal.

"You can hear him?" I gasped, tears pooling in my eyes.

"Yeah, he likes the sound of your voice." Edward smiled at me. "But he's impartial to Emmett's." He chuckled.

"I don't blame him." Dom bellowed.

"Are we just going to ignore what we were just talking about?" Emmett glared at everyone.

"Did he think anything else?" I ignored Emmett's outburst and beamed at Edward.

"Not yet." He shook his head but I didn't lose my smile.

"I want to feel it too." Dom stood up from where he was sitting and sat on my other side, placing his hand beside Jasper's. Eli kicked his hand, making Dom smile widely. "That is amazing." He chuckled. "He's a happy little fetus."

"He gets it from me." I joked.

"Why can't I feel my baby kick?" Bella was staring sadly down at her protruding stomach. "Can you hear her too?" Edward shook his head and Bella looked like she wanted to cry.

"I'm sorry Bells."

"And why is she so much smaller than me?" Rose went to Bella's side, sending me a small glare. "It's not fair."

"Come on Clary, let's get some food in you." Esme helped me up and she grabbed my hand reassuringly. I avoided the glare Rose was sending me as I followed behind Esme. Jasper trailed behind me, Dom having to stay with Rose.

"It's not your fault," Esme assured me.

"Sure does feel like it is." I sighed. "I mean, she wanted to have a baby because of me."

"We had no way of knowing that it would turn out this way." Jasper tried to calm me down.

"Exactly." Esme smiled at me. "Now what are you hungry for?"

"A sandwich," I answered without hesitation.

"Anything specific?"

"Just make sure it has pickles on it." I smiled sheepishly.

"You got it." She smiled at me.

"You know, pickles are gross." Jasper teased me.

"How would you know? You don't eat." I teased him as we sat at the table.

"Touché." He grinned.

𝙝𝙞𝙜𝙝 𝙝𝙤𝙥𝙚𝙨. emmett cullenDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora