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"Bella wake your lazy butt up already!" I groaned as I whacked her with a pillow for the seventh time. She swatted me away and buried her face deeper into her blanket. "Come on, I can't be late today, I have a math test today," I whined.

"Who has a math test so early in the year?" She scoffed.

"This girl," I pointed my thumb at my chest after I threw the pillow at her. "Well it's more of a review, but still- you gotta get up!"

"Fine." She groaned. She shoved the blanket away from her body and turned to look outside. "What's the weather?" She asked hesitantly.

"It's snowing. So, dress warmly." I tossed her thick parka at her. "Now get up."

"So bossy." She glared at me as she finally climbed out of bed. She rubbed her eyes before finally looking at me. "Well don't you look spiffy today?" She smirked. "Trying to impress someone?"

"I dress like this every day." I huffed, glancing down at my outfit. "And who says spiffy these days?" I scoffed at her as I sat on her bed.

"This girl." She mocked me and pointed her thumb at her chest. She laughed and dodged the pillow I threw at her as she ran out of the room.

"You can't hide in the bathroom forever!" I yelled at her before getting off of her bed and heading back to my room. I walked to my bed and slipped on my black combat boots. I walked to my mirror and looked myself over. My hair was done with half of it up messily. My long-sleeved olive green shirt was tucked into my high-waisted blue jeans, with little makeup on my face.

"Hey," I turn and see Bella standing in my doorway, already dressed and ready to go. "Can I borrow your mascara?" I nod and motion to my bed where my makeup bag is. "Did you need to use it first?"

"I already did my makeup," I told her. I walked to my closet and slipped my thick maroon cardigan off of the hanger. "Do I look okay?" I asked her. She turned to me as I was putting the jacket on and she slowly nodded.

"Just put on a sweater and let's go." I nodded and she went back to putting the mascara on.

"There, now we're both done. Let's go." She tossed the mascara and little mirror back onto my bed. I grabbed my backpack and followed her.

"Bye Dad!" We both yelled from the door as Bella put her jacket on.

"Have a good day!" He yelled back. We chuckled and exited the house after Bella grabbed her bag.

"Another day in hell and he wants us to have a good day?" Bella asked sarcastically as she backed out of the driveway in our slightly warm truck.

"He's old, he doesn't remember what high school used to be like." I laugh.


"Hey look, that's why we didn't crash on the way here." I joked as I pointed at the snow chains covering our tires. Bella laughed and threw her backpack into the bed of the truck.

"You just noticed those?" She teased. I stuck my tongue out at her as I pulled down the tailgate of the truck and jumped up to sit on it.

"You're so mean to me." I pouted as I kicked my legs back and forth.

"Says the girl that practically beat me with a pillow this morning!" She exclaimed, flailing her arms dramatically.

"Touché." I huffed, throwing her book at her.

"Hey, don't throw my book! It's a classic." She caught it with ease - which surprised me.

"Your face is a classic," I mumbled.

"What does that even mean?" She sighed, stuffing her book back into her bag.

"Uh, that you're old." I laughed loudly at my joke. She grimaced before reluctantly letting out a laugh also. We laughed together for a few seconds before a loud screech interrupted us. We both turned our heads and I noticed several things then. It didn't happen in slow motion like in movies, and Channing Tatum wasn't coming to our rescue.

I could vaguely see Bella whipping her head back and forth. Glancing from me to the van heading straight towards us, to something else. But me, my eyes never left the van. The van heading straights towards the back of the truck - where we were at. Before I could close my eyes, I felt the truck jostle the truck as it hit the front end first. I fell off the tailgate but instead of feeling my body scrape against the asphalt parking lot, I landed on something hard and kind of soft. I didn't open my eyes to see what it was until I heard the screeching and wailing of the van stop.

When I opened my eyes I was shocked, to say the least. Underneath me was Emmett Cullen and wrapped around me tightly were his muscled arms. His golden amber-colored eyes met my plain brown ones and for a moment nothing else existed. Not the two crashed vehicles or the crowd that was approaching them - it was just us. I felt his arms begin to let go, and I let him, still in shock about what happened.

"Thank you," I whispered before his arms completely let go and I stood up and finally looked away from him. I turned to find Bella standing there, looking worriedly at me as her friends looked her over. When I turned back to Emmett, he was no longer there.

"Clary! Are you okay?!" Jennah asked me as she hugged me tightly. "An ambulance is on its way, don't worry!" She said frantically as she turned her head to inspect me.

"I'm fine, just a few scrapes," I told her as she looked at my palms that had scraped against the ground after I landed on Emmett.

"Thank God!" She exclaimed before hugging me again.

"Yeah, thanks, Emmett," I muttered quietly so she wouldn't hear me.


Because was directly in the line of fire - and because she hit her head - she was transported in the ambulance to the hospital. I was too, but I was just her passenger. The paramedic had cleaned up my hands and placed bandages on them before we even arrived. The whole ride she was complaining and whining but they blamed it on the extra adrenaline still coursing through her veins. I just laughed and blamed it on her personality but that only earned me a glare from Bella and a gauze package thrown at my head.

It wasn't until we had gotten into a room that Dad finally showed up. His arrival set me at ease and put an end to Tyler's endless apologizing. Dad was talking to the doctor - who was extremely gorgeous and Emmett's father - when Bella started to tell her side of the story.

"Thank Edward, he was the one who saved me. I mean, he was nowhere near me, and then suddenly he was right next to me." She explained. "You can ask Clary, Emmett saved her." All three of them turned to look at me but I put my hands up.

"I don't know what she's talking about," I answered honestly. I didn't, I had no clue that Edward saved her the same way Emmett saved me. "She hit her head, she's disoriented." I put my hands down. Dad looked away from me and so did Bella. Dr. Cullen sent me a small smile with a wink before turning back to Bella.

"I'm going to get something to drink," I told Dad before leaving Bella and exiting the room. I fished a dollar out of my pocket as I headed toward the vending machines down the hall.

"You didn't tell them." I hear a deep voice say from behind me as I walked.

"It wasn't my secret to tell," I replied to him. I finally reached the machines and I inserted my dollar into the soda machine and pressing on one of the buttons.

"Bella told." He retorted.

"I'm not Bella," I stated, reaching down and grabbing the Pepsi from the machine. I turned to face him finally and he just stood there staring at me. "I'll keep your secret, you don't have to worry."

"But you don't know what my secret is." He said to me as I began to walk away.

"You're right, I don't. But that doesn't mean I'll blab." I told him as I gave him one last glance. I turned away and left him standing there at the vending machines. As I walked back toward Bella, I passed his siblings but I just smiled politely before continuing on my way. I'll keep their secret, even if I don't know what it is.

He'll tell me when he's ready or Bella will when she figures it out. Either way, I'll know eventually.

𝙝𝙞𝙜𝙝 𝙝𝙤𝙥𝙚𝙨. emmett cullenWhere stories live. Discover now