fifty seven

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As a kid, Bella and I never had to go to one. Nobody we knew or were related to ever got married. If they did, it was before either of us was born. Mom and Phil never got officially married but they practically were. Dad didn't find anyone else until recently but I knew it would be a while before he and Sue tied the knot. So Bella's wedding would be the first wedding either of us would attend. Me as the maid of honor, her as the bride.

We were both at the Cullens' house preparing. Bella and I had stayed the night so Alice and Rosalie could use us as barbie dolls. Bella and I sat in chairs as the girls poked and brushed us with whatever beauty products they had.

"They're back." Esme poked her head in for a second before popping right out again.

"You can't let him see me!" Bella squeaked out. Rosalie and I shared a small laugh before Alice shushed us and motioned for Rosalie to get back to work.

"He won't cross your path today. Not until later." Alice reassured my nervous wreck of a sister. "You're fine."

"Deep breaths Bells." I giggled. Bella shot me a small glare before doing as I said. She seemed to relax a bit and her calmness came just in time. She was ready for her dress.

"Let's get Clary into hers first," Alice suggested. Rose nodded and I stood up from the chair. I slipped off the silk robe Alice lent to me and stood in front of the girls in just my bra and underwear. Rose smiled at me as she brought the lavender dress over to me. She unzipped it for me and I stepped into it. She helped me zip it back up before smoothening out the skirt.

I was worried about my small baby bump showing but just as Alice promised, she took care of it. The skirt was loose and flowy, perfect for hiding my bump.

"You look amazing Clary." Bella smiled at me.

"Thanks." I winked at her. "Now you turn." Before anybody could move, Mom and Charlie hesitantly walked into the room.

"Oh, darling you look so beautiful!" Mon praised Bella.

"She doesn't even have her dress on yet Mom." I laughed. Dad chuckled and patted my shoulder.

"You look just as amazing too Clary." Mom smiled warmly at me. "You can't even see the baby bump." Instinctively, my hands went to my stomach. These past few days, I kept finding myself absentmindedly holding or rubbing my bump. Emmett and I still hadn't cleared things up but the small measurement that came from within me was all I needed.

"Excuse me for a second." I looked down and scurried out of the room. I leaned up against the wall in the hallway and took a deep breath.

"You okay, Clary?" I picked my head up and watched Dominic as he came to stand beside me. He placed a hand gently on my shoulder and gave me a concerned look.

"Just thinking about some things." I breathed out. He nodded as if he knew what or whom I was referring to.

"Still haven't spoken to Emmett?" I shook my head. He removed his hand and copied my position on the wall. "How's the baby doing?"

"He's doing good." I placed a hand on my bump and smiled at him. "Carlisle says that I'm growing at a normal pace, he doesn't think Emmett's vampirism is causing me any complications."

"Well that's good though, right?" I nodded. "Something normal is what we all need around here." He chuckled and I agreed. "Are you still?" He trailed off and my mind blanked before realizing what he meant.

"Yeah." I nodded. "Did you?"

"No, I didn't." He shook his head. "I've got your back, Clary. You're like a little sister to me."

𝙝𝙞𝙜𝙝 𝙝𝙤𝙥𝙚𝙨. emmett cullenOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant