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"It's better for the both of us if we weren't friends." Is the first thing Emmett said to me that morning. I walked into school and found him standing by my locker with his brother Jasper by his side. I figured he would greet me like he normally does, not with that "we shouldn't be friends."

"Why?" I asked him as I opened my locker.

"I'm not good for you." He warned me. I raised my eyebrow at him as I shoved my jacket into my locker and he stared at me with a blank face.

"So you're saying that we shouldn't be friends?" I closed my locker and turned to fully face him. Jasper glanced between us with an amused smirk on his face as he glanced between Emmett and me.

"Yes..." He trailed off as he seemed unsure of his answer.

"Okay so if we shouldn't be friends, then why are you always the one to begin our conversations?" I smirked slightly at him. He stared at me, his blank look remaining, but didn't say anything. I heard Jasper let out a small chuckle. "See you in class Emmett." I grinned and patted his chest before walking away. "Bye Jasper."

"Bye Clary," Jasper called out to me.

Emmett Cullen is the most confusing boy I've ever met.


"So he said that you and he shouldn't be friends?" Jennah asked as we sat in the library studying. It was lunchtime and neither of us wanted to sit in a noisy cafeteria today.

"Yeah, that's exactly what he said." I nodded, copying down notes from my chemistry textbook.

"And he said because he wasn't good for you." She stated.

"Yeah, but he seemed like he was trying to convince himself instead of me." I put my pencil down and ran one of my hands through my straightened blonde hair.

"Weird." She mumbled. "Well, maybe it's because of the rumors. Maybe he doesn't want to bring you into the craziness that follows his family around?" She suggested.

"But they're just rumors. It honestly shouldn't matter." I sighed and went to rub my eyes but remembered that my makeup was done so I put my hand down. "He's just the most confusing boy I've ever met." I closed my textbook in frustration.

"I can agree with you there. Not even Asher is that confusing and the boy has rainbows and lollipops clouding his mind." She laughed. I laughed with her knowing just how eccentric and unique Asher is. "Have you talked to your sister about this?" She asked me.

"No," I shook my head. "Not yet."

"We'll talk to her, maybe she can help." She shoved her notebooks and textbooks into her backpack and stood up. "I've gotta go meet Asher, I'll see you at cheerleading tryouts?"

"Yeah, I'll have my pompoms ready." I grinned. She smiled at me and left the library. I opened my textbook and flipped to the page I needed and continued writing down the notes for the test.

"I found you." I heard the voice of the boy who claimed we shouldn't be friends say from beside me.

"I don't remember being lost," I told him, not looking up from my notes.

"Well I looked for you at lunch and I couldn't find you so I asked your sister and she said for me to look here. So here I am." He pulled the chair away from the table and took a seat in front of me. "What are you doing?"

"Studying for a chemistry test," I responded. "And I thought that you said we shouldn't be friends?"

"I said we shouldn't not that I didn't want want to be." He clarified.

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