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Bella turned out to be the center of attention at school. Or at least that's what she kept telling me. She went on and on about how Tyler kept following her around like a lost puppy and how he never seemed to stop apologizing for almost killing us with his van. She said she forgave him but that he wouldn't accept it.

She also mentioned that everyone seemed to have this rumor going around the school saying that "I damaged something internally and I was stuck in the hospital because I could die." She told them that I was fine but nobody believed her.

Truthfully I was fine, I was just dealing with mother nature. I didn't want to go to school and deal with the stress of everyone at school and my monthly friend, so Dad said I could stay home. He said without looking me in the eye, but I was just glad he said it.

That night, Bella filled me in on the rest of the gory details of the ridiculous rumors people spread about me. I couldn't help but laugh and she glared at me when I did.

"Do you think if I showed up with a fake blood stain on my clothes tomorrow, they'll scream?" I joked. She picked up my pillow and hit my stomach with it which made me groan and glare at her in return.

"Emmett noticed your absence." She smirked at me.

"Well considering we sit next to each other in Art and Government and he's in our gym class, I'm pretty sure he did." I rolled my eyes. She copied my action and lay beside me on my bed. She covered herself with the puffy comforter and mentioned that Mike asked her to the dance.

"Tyler did also, but I told them both no."

"Only because you want to go with Edward," I smirked which earned me another pillow slap.

"Do you think anyone will ask you?" She asked curiously. We were staring up at my ceiling that I had covered with glow-in-the-dark stars.

"No, but it's not like we're gonna go anyways. You're going to Florida and I'm going to Texas." I informed her.

"I know but still, it was kind of nice to be asked." She sighed.

"True but kind of pointless." I sighed along with her. "Besides the guy that I want to ask me, probably won't."

"He will, he'd be stupid not to." She reassured me. It's times like these that I loved having an older sister. She boosted my self-esteem at my crappiest times.

"It's late, we should probably sleep." I turned onto my stomach and crossed my arms underneath the pillow and buried my face into it.

"Mind if I sleep in here?" She mumbled.

"Go ahead," I told her. My voice was muffled but I guess she understood me because she turned onto her stomach and buried her face into the pillow like me. Another thing that proved we were sisters, was our sleeping positions. We preferred to sleep on our stomachs instead of our backs or sides for some odd reason.

"Night." She mumbled. I mumbled a response back to her but I was too far out of it to sound coherent.


The next morning was slow. I was dragging myself around lazily as I dressed in a pair of black skinny jeans, a red and white striped shirt, and black converse. My hair was straightened and left down, I didn't feel like doing much to it. My makeup was done minimally like always but you could see just how exhausted I was. I spent most of the night tossing and turning and I just couldn't seem to fall asleep.

"Ya know, you don't have to go back today if you're not feeling up to it," Dad told me as he saw me tiredly walk down the stairs.

"I have to, I missed my Math test yesterday." I yawned as I poured myself a glass of water. I poured two pills from the bottle of Midol I had in my hand and swallowed them quickly.

𝙝𝙞𝙜𝙝 𝙝𝙤𝙥𝙚𝙨. emmett cullenWhere stories live. Discover now