fifty eight

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"You know you can't avoid him forever, right?" I tried to ignore Dominic's whispering voice but he made it impossible.

"I just have to last until the reception." I surveyed the people around me, taking notice that no one in the room was supernatural, other than Dominic.

"You're not even staying until your sister leaves?" I bit my lip nervously as I watched Emmett enter the room, his eyes darting around.

"I have a plan. Don't complicate it, please." Dominic reluctantly nodded and I thanked him before leaving him alone. The only uncrowded doorway was by Emmett and I was left with no choice but to pass him. I was praying silently in my head that he'd leave me alone but luck wasn't on my side.

"Clary." He gripped my elbow softly, stopping me. "Can we talk?"

"About what?" I didn't turn my body to face him completely but we were making eye contact, the only contact I was allowing him to have.

"You know what." He stated, matter-of-factly.

"Oh, you mean about the two doctor appointments you missed? Or how you still haven't thanked your brother for stepping up when you couldn't?" I was being petty and stubborn and I knew he was getting upset. "Or about how you're rejecting your son?"

"Clary, you can't have the baby." His voice was pleading, but I wasn't going to cave.

"I am, Emmett." I sighed and dropped my gaze. "And you just won't be there when it happens." I moved my elbow out of his grip and stepped away from him. "I told you not to talk to me until you've decided you're ready, but since you keep insisting that I can't have our baby, it means you're not ready at all. And you never will be."

"So what? I'm just supposed to ignore the fact that my girlfriend is having my baby?"

"Should be easy for you since you don't have one anymore." I pointed out.

"Have what anymore?"

"A girlfriend." I didn't let him say another word. I knew he could easily catch up to me if he wanted to but I knew he wouldn't. Even though I desperately hoped he would. I was only able to step outside when Alice came over to me.

"It's time." She smiled and I forced myself to smile back. It was Bella's day, not mine. And I wasn't about to ruin it with my love drama. I felt a fluttering in my stomach and I rested my hand there briefly while I followed Alice. I smiled at my Mom and Phil as I sat in the seat beside them. I smoothed my dress out and tried to cover my baby bump a bit better. When I was standing, it was hidden from everyone but now that I was sitting down, it was visible.

"Don't hide your miracle." My Mom whispered to me. I gave her a small smile and nodded. I left my dress alone just as the wedding march began to play. Everyone stood up and turned around. I couldn't see Bella until she reached our row. Dad and Bella stopped in front of our row, Dad handing Bella off to Edward as they both helped her step up onto the small platform. She turned to me and smiled nervously. I gave her a reassuring smile and grabbed her bouquet from her. Everyone sat back down and I held onto Dad's arm as the officiate began.

"Dearly beloved..." Their vows were simple and traditional. They had opted out of writing their own and instead had Mr. Weber, their officiate, change a few words. "Till death do us part" just wasn't a right fit for them. It was a quick ceremony and in a matter of minutes they were both saying "I do."

"You may kiss your bride." They sealed their marriage with a kiss and as everyone cheered I made eye contact with Emmett, whose mouth was turned down into a scowl. We could've been next, but luck just wasn't on our side.

The reception seemed to be livelier than the wedding ceremony. The decorations were simple but because of Alice's magic touch, everything seemed elegant and natural.

"Why so gloomy glum?" My Mom sauntered up beside me. "Not a fan of vanilla cake?"

"No the cake was fine Mom." I chuckled.

"Well, you need to cheer up. Go dance with Phil." She suggested.

"Want to Clary?" My stepdad held out his hand and I took it. He guided me onto the dance floor just as other couples began to sway to the music. "Want to tell me what's wrong?" While I lived in Arizona, Phil and I were close. We bonded easily over our interest in sports and he was my biggest confidant.

"Just nervous about the baby." When I first told Mom and Phil about the baby, Phil seemed to struggle with the thought of it more than Mom who was over the moon about the whole thing. Phil eventually came to terms with it and was trying to help in any way he could.

"I get that but you have a whole team of people offering support, you're going to be okay." He was trying to be reassuring and I forced myself to smile. He didn't need to know that having this baby could kill me, he just needed to know that the baby would be okay. "Any ideas for a name yet?"

"None." I shook my head. "I've gotten many, many suggestions but none of them feel right to me."

"Well you still have months to decide and if all else fails, Phil is a great name. Even Phillip could work."

"Nice try." I rolled my eyes but laughed at his lameness. "You're not the first person to suggest their name."

"And I can guarantee you I won't be the last." He laughed. We both stopped moving as the song ended and while he walked towards Mom, I made my way over to Seth.

"Where's Bella going?" I asked him as Edward led Bella away from everyone.

"Jake's here." So he finally returned, I thought to myself.

"Oh okay." I glanced around and met Dominic's gaze. "Hey Seth, I'll catch up with you later okay?" He nodded and I gave him a small hug before leaving him be.

"Are you ready?" I nodded and he sighed. "Car's waiting out front." I thanked him one last time with a hug. "Call me," I promised him and walked away from the party. I could see Edward and Bella walking toward me and I approached them with a smile on my face.

"Hey Bells, I'm going to head home." I smiled sadly.

"So early? Are you okay?" She questioned.

"Oh yeah, the party was fun. My feet were starting to hurt and I have this craving for a pint of ice cream that's at home in Dad's freezer." I reached forwards and wrapped my arms around her. "Congratulations big sister." I kissed her on her cheek before backing away. Edward wrapped his arms around me gently, already knowing about my real plan. "Have fun on your honeymoon." I winked at them and walked in towards the long driveway in front of the house. I could see a man standing in front of the black car and he was silent as he watched me approach him.

"Clarissa Swan?" I nodded and he opened the car door for me. I went climbing in the car when I heard my name being called.

"Clary?" Emmett's voice echoed around us as he stood a few feet away. "Where are you going?"

"Home," I told him. "I'm going home." I got into the backseat of the car and the driver closed the door. It only took a few seconds for the driver to get into the car and start it up and it took a few more seconds for the entire Cullen family to appear beside Emmett.

"Boyfriend troubles?" The driver questioned with a small smile.

"Something like that." I smiled back softly and resisted the urge to look out the window for Emmett. "How much time until we get to the airport?"

"About an hour."

"Okay, thank you."

"So I hear you're going to Italy. Ever been before?"

"No, I haven't. I'm going to visit some family there so it should be fun." We made small chitchat as he drove. But it wasn't until we crossed into Port Angeles that I finally let out any breath I had been holding.

"Well, I hope you have a good time in Italy."

"Thank you." I smiled. "Me too."

𝙝𝙞𝙜𝙝 𝙝𝙤𝙥𝙚𝙨. emmett cullenWhere stories live. Discover now