forty four

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"I thought we were supposed to be inconspicuous?" I turned to Jasper. He was standing beside a black sports car that he conjured up out of nowhere while I was in the airport bathroom. He leaned against the hood of it and smiled at me. "Because this is exactly the opposite of what you wanted to accomplish," I informed him.

"I like fast cars." He shrugged and opened the passenger side door for me.

"Yeah well, you and Emmett have that in common," I muttered. He chuckled before smirking at me.

"Emmett prefers rough and fast, while I prefer smooth and fast." His eyes twinkled cheekily and I blushed. "The cars Clary, we're still talking about the cars." He teased as he caught sight of my reddened face.

"I know but I forgot just how blunt you guys could be sometimes." I rolled my eyes and sat inside the car. He closed the door before jogging to the other side and climbing in. He watched me carefully as I strapped myself in before jamming the key into the ignition and speeding down the road. "Yeah, totally not inconspicuous," I mumbled as I held onto the dashboard. He chuckled but only drove faster.

As we drove the roads became narrower but Jasper didn't have any trouble navigating his way through the city. He swerved around the occasional person and drifted through every corner, it was safe to say that Jasper was a crazier driver than Emmett. The clock on the dashboard blinked its red numbers at me and I fought the urge to yell at it. It was now three o'clock in Volterra and each second that passed was another second closer to Emmett's impending doom. The road seemed to end and we were met with a crowd of people wearing red cloaks.

"It's their holiday," Jasper said. I wasn't too concerned or curious so I didn't push for more information. He parked the car and he slid on a hoodie, a baseball cap, and sunglasses before exiting the car. He came over to my side of the car and grabbed my hand. He pulled me along the road and we pushed through the large crowds. Somewhere in the distance, I could hear music being played and the sound grew louder as we seemed to get closer to it. Jasper and I stood in the center of a courtyard and I glanced around at the people surrounding me.

They paid no mind to me as I observed their faces and garments. I met the eyes of a little girl who smiled and waved at me. I returned the sentiment before Jasper whisked me away. I looked up at the grand building he was guiding me towards and gaped at it. It had an ancient feel to it but it roughly resembled a castle. He pushed aside a heavy iron gate and dragged me into a darkened passageway. Jasper rid himself of his hoodie and cap and handed me the sunglasses. I tucked them into my sweater pocket before following after him once again.

We reached a set of heavy wooden doors and before he could open them, he turned to me. "Emmett will be in the same room as the guards and everyone else. I'm going to distract the secretary and you are going to save him. I don't care how you do it but try. At the first sign of danger, run. Don't look back, just move." I nodded and he pushed the doors open. I was expecting a grand foyer but instead, it lead us to a room where a single drain entrance was placed in the ground. He walked towards it and moved it out of place before jumping through the hole in the floor. I carefully approached it and when I glanced down, I saw Jasper staring up at me expectantly. "Jump. I'll catch you." I was wary but I inhaled sharply before plummeting down the hole and landing in Jasper's arms.

He set me back on my feet and placed his hand on the small of my back. It was too dark for me to see but I trusted Jasper to guide me. The floor was uneven and if Jasper hadn't been holding on to me, I would've fallen numerous times. We finally approached a door. Jasper snapped the lock and pushed it open. I had to shield my eyes from the light that we were exposed to. Once my eyes were accustomed to it, I removed my hand and gaped at the remarkable hallway we now stood in. The door shut behind us with a loud clang and it echoed throughout the hallway. I felt Jasper tense up beside me but it didn't slow his pace. Instead, it quickened it.

𝙝𝙞𝙜𝙝 𝙝𝙤𝙥𝙚𝙨. emmett cullenWhere stories live. Discover now